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“Tomcat Server frequently Asked Questions in various Tomcat job Interviews by interviewer. The set of Tomcat Server interview questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer to the interview questions posed to you. Get preparation of Tomcat Server job interview”

11 Tomcat Questions And Answers

1⟩ What is different between webserver and application server?

The basic difference between a web server and an

application server is

Webserver can execute only web applications i,e servlets

and JSPs and has only a single container known as Web

container which is used to interpret/execute web


Application server can execute Enterprise application, i,e

(servlets, jsps, and EJBs) it is having two containers 1.

Web Container(for interpreting/executing servlets and jsps)

2. EJB container(for executing EJBs). it can perform

operations like load balancing , transaction demarcation

etc etc


2⟩ What is webserver? why it is used?

Transaction with HTTP request and HTTP response is called


Using the internet listening the HTTP request and providing

the HTTP response is also called webserver.It gives only

html output.It will not process business logic .They can

provide Http server.They are static.