Interesting Careers

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“Interesting Career Frequently Asked Questions in various Interesting Careers job Interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

26 Interesting Careers Questions And Answers

1⟩ Tell me what is an architect?

As an architect, you will be part of a respected profession that allows you to put your intelligence and imagination to good use in working with different materials and designing buildings that can shape the way people live their lives. Not just anybody can call themselves an architect, though, you have to go through an official route that protects the profession so that people can be confident that they are hiring a fully qualified architect who has passed an approved course. It takes a long time to train as an architect.


2⟩ List some interesting careers?

10 Interesting Careers:

☛ Spy

☛ Architect

☛ Journalist

☛ Meteorologist or Climatologist

☛ Airline pilot

☛ Forensic pathologist

☛ Barrister

☛ City trader

☛ Art restorer

☛ Volcanologist


3⟩ Can you tell me about the journalist?

The beauty of being a journalist is that you can specialize in an area you find interesting and make a living from keeping people informed about it. Unlike architecture, there is no set route to getting into journalism. Many journalists start off by doing undergraduate degrees in other things, such as english, history or politics, they then do a masters degree or postgraduate diploma in journalism to learn journalistic skills and knowledge such as media law and shorthand.


4⟩ What is a volcanologist?

If you do not mind getting into a dangerous profession and you like the sound of getting up close and personal with active, dormant or extinct volcanoes, you could become a volcanologist. As a volcanologist, you will travel to some remote corners of the globe to study these destructive forces of nature, predicting eruptions and quite possibly saving lives. Volcanologist's work covers a number of scientific fields, including geography, geology and earth sciences and chemistry. Any of these subjects at undergraduate level will give you a good foundation for becoming a volcanologist and after this you will become more specialize with the addition of further study at masters and PhD level. Volcanologists are employed by universities for research and teaching, as well as governments for monitoring and hazard reduction. You also have the option of working at a volcano observatory, monitoring a specific volcano to ensure that an emergency response can be coordinated in plenty of time in the event of a possible eruption.


5⟩ Please tell me what is career?

The progress and actions taken by a person throughout a lifetime, especially those related to that person's occupations. A career is often composed of the jobs held, titles earned and work accomplished over a long period of time, rather than just referring to one position.


6⟩ Tell me if you know about metal workers?

Whether working with white-hot molten steel in a foundry or using high powered torches to weld together towering structural beams, there is a lot that can go wrong for metal workers. Being a metal worker requires a steady hand, a cool mind and a metric gigaton of physical endurance. Most jobs making a mistake is something that will give you a fifteen minute conversation with your supervisor, metal working is one where a mistake could have disastrous consequences. Yet for all that it requires, metal working is a largely unsung profession that does not get the admiration it deserves.


7⟩ What are roofers?

Roofers work on pitched, uneven surfaces high above the ground, often without anything to catch them if they should fall. And since one of their jobs is the repair of roofs, they are also at risk from the very damage they are there to fix. Rotten wood, loose tiles and structural collapse have all contributed to the danger of keeping the inside in. And once more, there is the weather to contend with. Sure, it is nice to be outside and get a breath of fresh air but when that fresh air turns into a violent wind and you are fifty feet above the ground on an angled, slippery surface, the niceness quickly fades. And when a gentle rain can turn the surface you are standing on into a playground slide that does not end in a soft landing, the risks of roofing are readily apparent.


8⟩ Tell me something about spy?

Spy is officially known as an intelligence officer, the work of a spy is by its very nature shrouded in secrecy, so there is not an awful lot we can tell you about what they get up to but what is very clear is that you will have to be able to keep a secret.


9⟩ Tell me something about a barrister?

If you think you would be good at articulate speeches, rigorous cross-examinations and lightning-fast thinking, a career as a barrister could be for you. The route to this profession starts with a university degree. This does not have to be in law, you could study something else and then complete a conversion course. This is followed by the official bar professional training course, which can be completed in a year full-time or two years part-time. After that you will enter the Pupil age phase, during which you will spend a year as a pupil in a barrister's chambers or other approved organisation. You will then be able to start practicing, either self-employed or in an existing practice.


10⟩ Can you tell me about a city trader?

They may have had a tough time of it over the last few years thanks to the credit crunch, but with the economy starting to pick up again, a career as a city trader is still very much worth considering for those who feel they would thrive in this high-pressure environment. If you feel it is the career for you, you will need a degree with a minimum of 2:1. It does not necessarily matter what your degree is in but certain subjects lend themselves more to this profession, notably economics, mathematics, politics, business and finance. Securing an internship prior to applying for proper jobs will be advantageous to you.


11⟩ What is a forensic pathologist?

Figuring out how someone unexpectedly and potentially violently, met their end may be grizzly work, but it is also morbidly fascinating. It is been glamorized by television shows, but despite this the number of people practicing forensic pathology is surprisingly small. If this is a career that interests you, you will have to go to medical school and complete foundation training. After graduating from medical school, you will need to start by studying histopathology (of which forensic pathology is a specialist branch), before taking an exam from the College of Pathologists and then moving on to forensic pathology in year two or three of post-graduate study, this post-graduate training will take five years in total.


12⟩ Please define meteorologist or climatologist?

A meteorologist studies and predicts short-term weather patterns, while a climatologist looks at longer-term trends in the Earth's climate, over hundreds or even thousands of years. You do not have to be a TV weather presenter if you want to be a meteorologist. There are plenty of behind the scenes jobs too.


13⟩ Do you know what is an airline pilot?

A career as an airline pilot remains prestigious and desirable, with unrivaled travel opportunities and the best office view anybody could wish for. Contrary to popular belief, you do not actually need a maths degree to become an airline pilot, in fact, many people go straight from school into an airline training school. However, you will find some knowledge of maths and physics useful when embarking on the tough ground school elements of airline pilot training, as you will need to learn about the forces that keep an aeroplane in the air, calculate flight times and fuel consumption and so on. To become an airline pilot, you will have to complete fourteen rigorous exams, hundreds of hours of flight training and courses that will teach you how to work with an airline crew.


14⟩ How would you define the fishers?

For many people, fishing is a fun, relaxing hobby consisting of lazy mornings at the lake wearing funny hats and using a tackle box. But commercial fishing is an entirely different sort of activity. At the mercy of the wind, waves and temperatures that can vary from sweltering to well below freezing, fishers sometimes pull long shifts in excess of twenty hours while battling the elements. Falling overboard during severe weather is also a dangerous prospect because not only does the crew have to battle the waves and winds but the overboard fisher has a limited time to avoid freezing while managing to stay afloat. Despite improvements in equipment and weather tracking systems, the effort to keep crab legs on the buffet menu continues to expose fishers to the dangers of the deep.


15⟩ Tell me what are the garbage collectors?

This is not at all a glamorous profession and it will certainly never develop the near mythological aura of heroism that fire-fighters or police officers have. But it is a dangerous job that seems to be done mostly by men. Not only is it necessary to prevent disease and vermin, being a garbage collector is surprisingly dangerous. Not only do they ride on the back of a moving vehicle, but it is a moving vehicle with filled with strange chemicals and rotting food that is equipped with dangerous crushing equipment to pack it all in. Next time you can not be bothered to keep your empty cans in the correct box, remember, the affably surly middle-aged guy in a jumpsuit who lectures you about sorting your recyclables actually puts his life on the line.


16⟩ Do you know about bomb squad technicians?

It is not really a surprise that disarming incendiary devices cobbled together with the intention of causing destruction can sometime blow up in your face, literally. Use of remote-controlled robots can sometimes minimize the risk but because those robots have a lower success rate of safely disarming bombs than a person does, many times it is necessary for people to put themselves in harm's way to ensure the safety of others but it is not all gloom and doom in this exciting career and plus they get a decent bomb squad salary. Bomb technicians have an incredible rate of success (Above 99% in most instances) and many of them live long, productive lives without so much as a singed eyebrow.


17⟩ Tell me about the interesting careers in psychological science?

The career options for psychological scientists extend beyond faculty and research positions within academic institutions. Psychological scientists have many opportunities and much to contribute in such fields as business, communications, design, education, engineering, government, health, human services, law, public policy, safety and transportation.


18⟩ What are the truck drivers?

While the call of the open road and the solitude of the truck driver is something celebrated in country music, peace of mind and an endless stretch of scenery is not the only thing that comes with this interesting job that you can get without a degree. Despite many countries having strict laws requiring truckers to rest on their routes, pressure to make deliveries on time sometimes leads drivers to take the road without enough sleep. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation leads to serious impairment in tasks like driving. That same pressure to deliver also sometimes leads truckers to ignore speed limits and when you are barreling down a highway in a gigantic machine weighing multiple tons, physics tells us that it requires a lot of energy for that machine to stop. Given that those trucks also are at risk for mechanical failures and that they must contend with other drives on the road who don't understand what physics says about inertia, it is not surprising that road accidents are the main contributor to the danger of heading back on the road again for a truck driver.


19⟩ Can you tell me something about construction workers?

Do not let the yellow safety helmets fool you, doing construction work is still a dangerous proposition. While improved safety harnesses, use of netting and more accurate tools have lowered the overall risk of doing construction work from ye olden days, those riveters and jackhammers are not exactly child-safe. Not only do construction workers use heavy tools that pose a danger, they work in diverse environments that vary from underground, to hundreds of feet in the air. While variety may be the spice of life, the fact that their jobs are often in completely different environments from the one before means that construction workers experience many different flavors of danger.


20⟩ Please describe electrical power-line workers?

When the power goes out, as it sometimes does, someone's there to see it comes back on. Who does this? In many cases it is an electrical power-line worker, climbing a wooden utility pole, or working in tight recesses underground to identify and repair the cause of the power outage. And while it does suck to miss the latest episode of Project Dance Idol Racers, the power-line workers are often in precarious positions to ensure that your lights come back on. One of the most common causes of power outages is severe weather, weather it is lightning strikes that overload a transformer, high winds that knock down power lines, or heavy rains that seep through to underground power conduits. The power-line worker has to work in those same conditions that caused the outages. Sometimes tethered to a a splintery utility pole while winds howl around her. And if the power's out where you are, chances are the power's out where she is fixing it, so all her work is done in the dark, except for the light she can bring on her own.