Job Protocol

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“Job Protocol preparation guide for freshers and experienced candidates. Number of Job Protocol frequently asked questions(FAQs) asked in many interviews”

15 Job Protocol Questions And Answers

1⟩ How to turned your strong point into weak point?

I am a perfectionist and therefore, I rarely believe in anyone who can work as well as me. As a result, I am afraid to delegate important tasks to others. This approach has a weak side as that if you are not clever, you will cause the employer to believe that you are cheating him.


3⟩ Job Interview Protocol tips part 6

☛ DO NOT show up late or call the interviewer to ask where the place is located on the day of the interview.

☛ DO NOT wear heavy cologne or perfume. Some people have allergies.

☛ DO NOT have somewhere to be after the interview that may require you to leave early. If there is some very pressing business that needs your attention, schedule the interview on a different day or much, much earlier.

☛ DO NOT discuss salary, benefits, or vacation during your interview unless prompted by the interviewer.

☛ DO NOT tell the interviewer that you are planning on leaving the job to go to graduate school, move, or start your own company any time in the future. You can quit any job if need be, but during the interview you must act as though you plan on being with the company forever.


4⟩ Job Interview Protocol tips part 5

☛ DO NOT make jokes/insults about the people you have met during your interview.

☛ DO NOT make any demands to lesser staff members (i.e. "Get me a coffee.").

☛ DO NOT say negative things about your previous workplace, your coworkers, or even your friends, family, or the stranger that cut you off on your way to the interview. Employers do not want people that are negative and complain, even for good reason.

☛ DO NOT insult a work strategy employed by the company. You never know if your interviewer was the one that suggested it.


5⟩ Job Interview Protocol tips part 4

☛ DO introduce yourself to everyone you meet at the interview.

☛ DO let yourself be relaxed and friendly. Personal but professional conversation is encouraged.

☛ DO ask questions to the interviewer and ask for clarification.

☛ Respond when appropriate.


6⟩ Job Interview Protocol tips part 3

☛ DO make eye contact, smile, listen and respond when appropriate.

☛ DO nod when the employer is speaking to show that you are listening.

☛ DO answer questions with more than a "Yes" or "No".

☛ DO be honest with all of your answers.

☛ DO have knowledge of the job, company and position.


7⟩ Job Interview Protocol tips part 2

☛ Try to highlight your potentials with out being overly aggressive

☛ Answer all questions honestly

☛ Try to engage the Interviewer in light conversation

☛ Ask a few questions of the Interviewer about the prospective position

☛ When the Interview is finished, thank them for their consideration.


8⟩ Job Interview Protocol tips part 1

☛ Follow the job interview dress code

☛ Introduce yourself with confidence

☛ Comply to requests of the Interviewer, to sit, take coffee, etc,

☛ Keep eye contact consistent and pleasant with your Interviewer

☛ Interact with your Interviewer in a friendly manner

☛ Use your Interviewers name when answering questions


9⟩ How to answer the question about weakness?

This is a common question in any interview, so don't try to avoid answering it.

☷ Never mentioning a weakness that relates to a crucial requirement of the job.

☷ Don't try to make up a weakness.

☷ Don't say you have no weakness. No one is perfect, therefore, you shouldn't say you have no weakness.


10⟩ What are the adhering of interview expectations?

Employers want creative individuals, but they only want to see that creativity when it comes to doing your job efficiently. At the interview, they want you to appear as though you are a model employee, and to do that effectively you must follow all of the job interview protocol listed above.


11⟩ Are you goal-oriented person?

Employers look for applicants who are goal-oriented. Show a desire for continuous learning by listing hobbies non-work related. Regardless of what hobbies you choose to showcase, remember that the goal is to prove self-sufficiency, time management, and motivation.


15⟩ How to solved weakness absolutely?

A better approach is that you state one point which was once your weakness, but you have done well to resolve it.

I tended to be a perfectionist, therefore I didn't like to delegate to others. But I have found out that in order to develop the organization, everyone in the organization must be experienced with many tasks and this is very good for an efficient team work.