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“Situational Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that Interview needs a lot of preparation and research on some topics. A candidate needs to speak according to the situation. So learn how to deal with Situational Interview Questions with the help of this Situational Interview Questions with Answers guide”

26 Situational Questions And Answers

1⟩ Situational interviews generally have a concept which is entirely focused on your past

Situational interviews generally have a concept which is entirely focused on your past performance and they believe it will reflect in the future performance of the candidate. Situational interviews test your analytical and problem solving skills specific to a situation. They would give you a problem (imaginative) and ask you to react and solve it accordingly. They would analyze your performance on how you handled the situation with minimal preparation, analytical and problem solving skills are specifically noticed. Some of these scenarios may have occurred in your work so it is a kind of behavioral interview questions.


6⟩ Some of the situational interview questions are -

1) How would you handle an angry customer who was promised of the delivery today but due to delay in testing, the product was not delivered on time? The customer needs compensation? How would you deal with the situation and the way you would speak with him?

2) You are a project manager and your team members are leaving the company in alarming ratio, what would you do? What`s the best known approach to you?

3) A project is given to you and in your analysis you found out that the project cannot be completed in time as per the specification. What would you do and how will you convey your message?

4) Company already has the project, how would you explain the client for time?

When you are asked this question the best way is to speak to the manager who gave you the project for extra employees if that cannot be done you would explain to the business development manager about the technicalities involved in it and in a soft tone that the project cannot be done in time. For this you would also give him the necessary charting, documents, etc.

5) What is the best way to be a part of the team in a new enterprise?

6) What would you do when you have learnt that the company you are working has just slipped into negative for the quarter?

7) Which one do you support open source or proprietary source?

8) Which is your favorite platform and programming language explain why?

9) How would you handle an employee who is arriving late daily to the office thus sending negative vibes throughout the company?

10) You are assigned a project in which there is a person who is less qualified to do the work and you are falling shorter of the progress what would you do?

11) What was your past experience in a project while handling a team?

12) Tell us about a situation in which you had to disagree with your superiors how did you handle it?

13) Tell us about a logical situation which you encountered during your project and how did you overcome it?

14) What was the chief reason to leave your ex employer and what made you to choose this company?

15) These days IT companies are having high ration of job hopping why do you think it is happening?

16) Why should the company hire you state some examples?

17) What are your achievements so far and what did you learn from them?

Before answering situational questions it is always good to have some stories written up from your previous work experience. Write stories on your last project how you handled it etc. Make sure that you speak with logic during situational interviews. Situational interviews are meant to test your stress factor, management skills, technical skills, etc.

18) You are working on a project which should be done entirely on a server suddenly your data is lost? In this situation what are the necessary precautions you could have taken which will help you at this point of time?

19) How do you explain to the client about the adoption of new technology?

20) There are instances when the program does not respond to the programming logic? What method will you employ to solve them?

21) Did you have any instances in which you would like to bang or hang your computer?

22) Do you regret taking this field?


10⟩ What you do if work of a subordinate or team member was not up to expectations?

Luckily, I have quite a bit of previous team experience, and have faced this situation a few times in the past -- so let me tell you how I've learned to handle the issue. The most important first step in dealing with an underperforming subordinate or team member is honest communications -- talking with the person can lead to some surprising discoveries, such as the person not understanding the assigned tasks to being overwhelmed with the assignment. Once I discovered the problem, I could then forge a solution that usually solved the problem and allowed the work to move forward. So often in situations like this, the problem is some combination of miscommunication and unrealistic expectations.


11⟩ Suppose if a co-worker tells you in confidence that she plans to call in sick while actually taking a week's vacation. What would you do and why?

I would tell this co-worker that being dishonest to her boss, as well as her co-workers, is not wise, and being dishonest in her job is wrong. I would say how we all want more vacation time, but we have to earn it -- and that taking this extra time hurts everyone in the department because the person's absence will affect productivity.


13⟩ Tell me what you do if you realized at deadline time that a report you wrote for your boss or professor was not up to par?

Hopefully this would never happen to me since I always make sure to plan my time properly to ensure that my work is always done. If it ever did happen I would meet with my boss and explain the situation and request an extension. I would also evaluate my actions and identify what I did wrong to not complete my work and make sure that it did not happen again.


14⟩ How you deal with colleague at work with whom you seem to be unable to build a successful working relationship?

This situation would certainly be unique to me. Ever since I can remember, I've had a knack for finding something in everyone that then becomes common ground for a friendship and/or good working relationship. Certainly there are all types of people, some less motivated to work in teams or simply unhappy in their jobs, but we're all people when you strip away titles and such -- and it's at that base level in which I find a connection that results in some degree of rapport -- even when few others can do so. For example, in my senior year of college, I was placed onto a team that had one member that the rest of the team disliked. This team member was kind of an outcast, but I knew we needed this full commitment to make the project work. Even though I was not the team leader, I took it upon myself to forge a connection -- and discovered we had a mutual passion for horses. We did not end best friends or anything, but through our common interest, I was able to build enough rapport to connect and engage him as a key team member. There is always something that bonds us all together -- it is just harder to find with some people than with others.


15⟩ What would you do if you knew that your boss was absolutely wrong about an important work related issue?

It would depend on a number of factors, including the personality of my boss, how critical the issue is, and the overall situation.

If my boss did not like having his authority brought into question or challenged, or was prone to anger, I would probably never tell him he's wrong. I would simply be polite, try to understand his perspectve and what he is wanting to get accomplished, handle the situation the way I know it needs to be handled, and then provide my boss with the results he desired.


16⟩ Suppose if you were working on an important project and all of the sudden the priorities were changed?

When faced with this question, interviewees often assume the interviewer is trying to gauge how flexible they can be. In some instances, this may be true. However, the interviewer may just easily be trying to determine if you're the type of person who will put their foot down about it. Like all situational interview questions, the interviewer is trying to determine if you can think under pressure, how you analyze a situation, and how you're likely to interact with others.


17⟩ Describe about a time when your work was criticized by your boss or other co-workers?

No one is always perfect, and the interviewer knows this. The interviewer wants to see if you can admit that you've made mistakes, but more importantly how you dealt with the situation and learned from it. You want to share with the interviewer an example criticism that had a measurable positive outcome. Make sure to turn the negative criticism into a positive experience.


18⟩ If you're responsible for important project near completion but receive another important project that must be completed immediately. How do you multi-task and prioritize?

Before beginning the new project, I determine what must be completed and estimate how long it will take and what resources are needed to successfully complete the project. If I'm confident it cannot be completed by the deadline, I would request that a superior be assigned the project, while recommending another co-worker to take responsibility for any current projects the superior is working on.


19⟩ What you do when subordinate is performing below average, what specific steps do you take to correct the problem?

I begin by identifying what factors have contributed to the poor performance. I then figure whether the cause of the poor performance is work related or personal. When the problem is related to the individual's private life, I determine whether it's possible, or appropriate, for me to recommend solutions.


20⟩ Suppose if you don't see eye to eye with your supervisor on how to deal with a problem? How would you handle the situation?

I would first try and put myself in my supervisor's shoes and view the problems from his or her perspective. If I was still struggling to see eye to eye with my supervisor's assessment and/or solution to the problem, I would analyze the problem and come up with a few other ways to address the problem. In private, I would then discuss the problem with my supervisor and suggest how I think it should be addressed.