1⟩ Explain ordered delivery does not have an effect even after it is set, when this might happen?
When back up transport is also applied.
“Biztalk Application related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Biztalk Application. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”
When back up transport is also applied.
Messages in BizTalk are immutable after constructed and the message is considered constructed after it is placed into the MessageBoxDatabase.
Maps can't be applied to Send Port Group.
Two types of subscription
☛ 1. Activation
☛ 2. Instance
☛ Instance subscriptions are removed from the message box while Activation subscriptions remain active as long as the orchestration or send port is enlisted.
☛ Instance subscriptions are removed from the message box while Activation subscriptions remain active as long as the orchestration or send port is enlisted.
When Failed message routing is enabled and if an error occurs at the port, then the message will have all the regular context properties unprompted and instead have some error-specific context properties promoted - all in the ErrorReport Namespace e.g. ErrorReport.ErrorType, ErrorReport.ReceivePortName etc.
Because only one thread can submit messages through the port and each message has to wait for messages through the port and each message has to wait for the message before it can be processed.
Checking the subscription table is the First thing when messages come in MessageBox and a copy of the message is sent to the subscriber.
☛ Store all messages and context received.
☛ Stores all subscriptions.
☛ Stores all Host Queues.
The message is suspended when there are no subscribers found for it.
In this scenario we can stop the send port bound to the destination system. This way the messages will lie in a queue inside Messagebox. Subsequently, we can start the send port when the destination system is available.
MessageBox is a SQL server database along with messaging agent.
Biztalk - Message Type (i.e. BTS.MessageType) - Messages in BizTalk are data, and each message must be of a selected message type.
The reason for having multiple receive locations inside one Receive port is to have the ability to receive different messages from different locations and having BizTalk treat them as if they were received from the same place and/or had the same message type.
When we run MSI packages, it will register the application with Windows Operating System and then load any related assemblies in the Global Assembly Cache.
If a send port is directly bound to an orchestration port,then filters do not apply.
Receive port can have any number of receive location.
In Unlisted state send port does not subscribe to any messages and no messages will be sent through the port.
The group hub gives the user an overview of what is currently going on inside BizTalk.
BizTalk will no longer need to hold on the message and the message will be removed from BizTalk.
No. The names of the various ports must be unique, not just inside an Application but for the whole BizTalk group.