Biztalk Business Rule Engine

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“BizTalk BRE related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with professional career as Biztalk Business Rule Engine. These list of interview questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

26 Biztalk Business Rule Engine Questions And Answers

4⟩ Tell me what is Muenchian method?

The Muenchian Method is an algorithm for grouping of data used in XSL Transformations that identifies keys in the results and then queries all nodes with that key. It can be applied with custom XSLT within a BizTalk Map.


13⟩ Explain me what is Long term fact and Short Term fact?

The fact is the user data to which rule conditions are applied. At design time a fact is a reference to that data.

Facts have two categories – Short Term Facts and Long Term Facts. Consider a loaning process of any Bank. We can think a “loan application” as short term fact. Short team facts are business information which changes per occurrence. On the contrary, “interest rates” do not change very regularly. This business information is steady and we can consider it a long term fact.


14⟩ Do you know what are maps?

Maps are graphical representations of XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation) documents that allow us to perform, in a simple and visual manner, transformations between XML messages. A map file basically is the XML file that defines the correspondence between the records and fields in one schema and the records and fields in another schema. You create a map when you want to transform or translate data that you receive or send from one schema to another.


15⟩ Do you know what is a Policy?

A policy is a logical grouping of rules. You compose a version of a policy, save it, test it by applying it to the facts, and, when you are satisfied with the results, publish it and deploy it to a production environment.


20⟩ Do you know what is a Business Rules Engine?

A run-time inference engine that can link highly readable, declarative, semantically rich rules to any business objects (.NET components), XML documents, or database tables. It can evaluate rules against facts and initiate actions based on the results of that evaluation.