Biztalk Esb Toolkit

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“Biztalk Esb Toolkit based Frequently Asked Questions in various Biztalk Esb Toolkit job interviews by interviewer. These professional questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answers posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

27 Biztalk Esb Toolkit Questions And Answers

2⟩ Please explain what is Routing Slip pattern? How ESB toolkit supports it?

Routing Slip pattern is widely used message routing pattern and used when a message is routed through a series of components in a pre-defined order (may be unknown during design time). ESB provides this pattern via Itinerary-based processing. A business rule can be used to select an Itinerary for a message dynamically


3⟩ Explain me what is ESB Toolkit and why do we need it?

BizTalk ESB Toolkit provides a set of services on top of the existing BizTalk Server 2010 architecture to enable service consumers and service providers to be part of a loosely-coupled but mediated environment. Using ESB toolkit, it helps to enable Dynamic Routing, Transformation and Exceptions handling and considered to be a platform to realize a service-oriented architecture and by solving the problems of point-to-point service connectivity with the help of a common mediation layer (the "bus").


9⟩ Tell us what is resolver, and can you list out the ESB toolkit provides?

A component which feeds runtime configuration values to the Adapter provider the so that it can dynamically configure the Dynamic Adapter at run-time. It is a .NET component having a collection of entries which tells what values to use for various BizTalk components.



10⟩ Tell me what are On/Off Ramps?

☛ > On-Ramp is receive location which provides esb context (Corresponds to Receive port)

☛ > Off-Ramp (typically dynamic) is send port with respect to esb context (Corresponds to the send port)


11⟩ Tell me can there be any drawbacks which you need to take care before deciding to implement ESB Toolkit?

It is a security issue that can happen while doing ESB Toolkit setup in a multi-server configuration. This happens when ESB Portal web application refused to forward the impersonated credentials to the SQL Server since it is on another server. An identity delegation rights should be given to the application pool.


13⟩ Do you know what is the ESB toolkit?

The BizTalk ESB Toolkit provides architectural guidance, patterns, and a collection of BizTalk Server and .NET Framework components to simplify the development of an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) on the Microsoft platform and to allow Microsoft customers to extend their own messaging and integration solutions


14⟩ Please explain what are the common patterns implemented in Itineraries?

☛ Message Routing

-> Message Router : determines the recipient of the message based on a set of conditions

-> Content-Based Router : determines the recipient of a message based on message content

-> Routing-Slip : a message must be routed through a series of components in a pre-defined order, which may not be known at the design time.

-> Recipient List: a message is routed to one or more recipients (static / dynamic)

-> Splitter : Breaking one message to multiple chunks

☛ Message Transformation

-> Translator : Solves the problem of translating incompatible data formats between two systems

-> Normalizer : Solves the problem when messages received from different sources are semantically equivalent but format is different

-> Content Enricher : Solves the problem by furnishing additional data to the received message required by target system

☛ Service Mediation

-> VETO / VETRO : Solves the problem using esb pipelines for Validate, Enrich, Transform, Route, Operate

-> Request-Response: Solves the problem of two-way communication

☛ Service Management

-> Repair and Resubmit: So


15⟩ Explain the features of ESB Toolkit?

Below are are some underline features of ESB toolkit:

☛ > Location & Version Transparency

☛ > Transport Protocol Conversion

☛ > Dynamic Data / Format Transformation

☛ > Lightweight Service Composition

☛ > Error Handling & Repair

☛ > Service Interactions Support


16⟩ Suppose I can see my Itinerary in the EsbItineraryDb database and set the correct resolver connection string in the pipeline but I still see the error "The itineraryESBTransformServiceItinerary was not found in the repository. ", why?

The Itinerary need to be in the Deployed status in order to use it. To verify this, you can either check nStatus column value "1? in Itinerary table or ItineraryStatus column in Visual Studio by selecting Model Exporter as Database.

You won't be able to call the itinerary in Published status.


17⟩ Tell me what is ESB Management Portal?

The ESB Management Portal provides views of fault information that make it easy to monitor, manage, and debug ESB applications. It also provides features that you can use to manage alerts, publish UDDI information, and administer the portal. To open the portal, navigate to http://localhost/ESB.Portal/.