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“Adobe Illustrator Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in Illustrator. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job test and quickly revise the concepts”

62 Illustrator Questions And Answers

2⟩ Explain the difference between a Layer and a Group?

Technically there is very less difference between a Layer and a Group. They both create a parent object that may contain one or more child objects. Groups are used to bundle artwork that you want to keep together when scaling or moving. While Layers are normally used for managing visibility and stacking order.


3⟩ What are the latest features in Adobe Illustrator CC 2014?

New features in Adobe Illustrator CC 2014 includes

Creative cloud libraries: It includes creative cloud libraries so you can always have the files access when you need them

Curvature tool: You can create refined curves and straight line using this tool

► Area type Auto sizing: Now text box can re-size automatically as you add, delete or edit text

► Touch workspace: It provides a touch environment for drawing and editing with a pen or your finger

► Join Tool: Easily join paths that overlap, cross or have open ends. It also trims unwanted segment simultaneously


4⟩ What does the Pucker and Bloat tool does?

Pucker and Bloat tool create the distortion effect that converts an object by curving its edges towards the Center or pushing them away from the Center (Bloat) all the while maintaining the anchor points in position.


6⟩ What is Rasterize?

Rasterize is an effect that transforms vector work into rastered images. Often used to make artwork for import into another program.


9⟩ How to create a table in Adobe Illustrator?

To create a table in Adobe Illustrator, you have to follow the steps

► Run illustrator and open new window, now select any paper size and click on OK

► Create a shape with any dimension as you want a table from the tool pallet, for example, rectangle shape

► Now, select your rectangle form stage and go to Object menu, choose the path and then choose split into Grid

► Type the number in Column & Row as you wanted for table and set the number in Gutterbox as 0px. Now you have a table, and you can set any background colour, stroke colour,


11⟩ Explain some useful plugins in Illustrator?

Some of the useful plugins used in illustrator are

► VectorScribe: It gives complete freedom for editing and customization without a ton of excess work

► CADtools 5: With this plugin user can create special grids and draw isometric project even in 3D

► Phantasm CS2: It allows you to change the curves, hue and saturation efficiently and effectively

► SymmetryWorks 4: It allows you to work on greeting cards, vectors, symbols and patterns to incorporate into your artwork


12⟩ How to create an artboard in Adobe Illustrator?

To create an artboard in Adobe Illustrator you have to follow the steps like

► Create a custom artboard, choose the Artboard tool, and move it into the workspace to define the size, shape and location

► To use a preset Artboard, you have to double click on the Art-board tool, and then choose a preset in the Artboard option dialog box and click ok. Drag the Artboard to the position you want

► To copy an existing Artboard, choose the Artboard tool, then click the Artboard you have to duplicate and tap on the new Artboard button in the control panel, then tap on the button where you want to place the duplicated Artboard

► To duplicate an Artboard with the contents, choose the Artboard tool, click to choose the move/copy Artboard rectangle to accommodate the bleed


14⟩ What is Scatter Graph Tool is used for?

A graph style that avails only points to show a group of data and the relationship of the variables to one another. It is useful for showing sets of information relating to individuals.


15⟩ Why do you want to make a profession in illustration?

It is the most frequently asked interview question. The way you answer this question will discriminate you from rest of the candidates. Be honest, and tell the employer that you find dental sales jobs quite lucrative. You should talk about the wide scope of progress in this field. Just make a complete research of this field in advance.


16⟩ Can you tell us some software on which you have working command?

I have worked on Mac, windows and PC platforms. I am familiar with Microsoft Office, Quark Express, Adobe Family, Freehand 2D animation, Adobe Premier and After Effects 3Danimation. I also have proficiency in 3D MAX, Dreamweaver, CAD, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript and FTP Software.


17⟩ What is the best part about what you do?

I have always been interested in art and drawing. I enjoy the process of making art and I love to be in this field because my career allows me to spend my time doing these things.


18⟩ Please elaborate some of your educational qualifications, experiences and skills?

I have experience of 6 years in the field of designing as an illustrator. I have ability to conceptualize and create three-dimensional images, storyboard sketches, and animated illustrations for television commercials, movies and computer games. I have a photographic memory. After seeing something once, I can draw it for you. I have proven ability to design layouts, logos and websites. I can easily analyze and extract the data from CAD. I have sound knowledge of advance technologies and designing techniques. I have profound ability to plan, organize and manage the projects.


19⟩ How to access font stylistic sets in illustrator CS6?

Font stylistic sets in illustrator can vary considerably depending on the Illustrator version. However for CS6,

► First select your text with appropriate font

► Then open the OpenType window by going to WINDOW->TYPE->OPENTYPE

► Here you will account numerous options like "Stylistic Alternates" , " Contextual Alternates",

► To view various characters, you might usefully go to WINDOWS>TYPE>GLYPS