Mergers and Acquisitions

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“Mergers & Acquisitions Frequently Asked Questions in various Mergers & Acquisitions job Interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

39 Mergers And Acquisitions Questions And Answers

1⟩ Can you please explain the difference between accounting and bookkeeping?

Bookkeepers perform a critical function for the firms and organizations they serve. Regularly challenged to maintain precise and accurate records, bookkeepers produce the vital reports that keep management up to date on the financial condition of their company.

Bookkeepers are responsible for maintaining the "business checkbook", much like a personal checkbook. They record routine money transactions like customer payments into a "cash receipts journal" and checks to vendors into a "cash disbursement journal." They also process payroll. At month end they transfer or "post", the "journal" totals to the "general ledger" in preparation for financial statements prepared by the accountant.

Accountants are responsible for the design and management of the financial systems that bookkeepers use. They prepare monthly financial statements and tax returns at year-end. Accountants may also prepare budgets for management and loan


2⟩ Described mutual fund sub accounting?

Mutual fund sub accounting is a way to "clear" (the process of buying and selling) the mutual fund transactions. An intermediary record keeps all of the individual shareholder account information, such as the individual balances and individual transactions and dividends in each fund. The account balances roll up to match an omnibus account balance that is record kept by the transfer agent of the fund. When individual investors buy or sell a particular fund those transactions the intermediary combines those transactions and a minimum number of larger trades are placed with the fund in the omnibus account.


3⟩ What are Mergers & Acquisitions?

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are both aspects of strategic management, corporate finance and management dealing with the buying, selling, dividing and combining of different companies and similar entities that can help an enterprise grow rapidly in its sector or location of origin, or a new field or new location, without creating a subsidiary, other child entity or using a joint venture.


4⟩ Described the limitations of accounting ratios?

Ratios place significant emphasis on short-term results. Ratios such as EPS and the ROCE are subject to accounting conventions that might deter businesses pursuing policies that are in their long-term interest.


5⟩ Which ways is math Multiplication used in accounting?

Tax rates by gross pay to calculated and remit correct taxes, extrapolating period results (i.e. 6 months sales x 2) to estimate annualized results, calculating present value of cash flows using given factors, calculate sales tax on sales, etc.


6⟩ List the elements of the accounting equation?

★ The elements of accounting are Assets, Liabilities, and Owner Equities.

★ The way to remember this would be through the acronym ALOE

★ The accounting equation is Assets = Liabilities + Owners' Equities


7⟩ Which ways is math Addition used in accounting?

Summing accounts for inclusion in financial statements (i.e. many different cash accounts are summed to equal "cash" in balance sheet), adding items in inventory to determine accurate counts, adding all outstanding checks (written but not cashed) to reconcile a bank statement, etc.


8⟩ Can you please list the disadvantages of manual accounting?

1) Manual records are very difficult to be maintained safe

2) Manual records are subject to greater human error

3) Business can see itself in fines and penalties if records are lost

4) Manual records are easier to be falsified, modified, altered, or vanished, as compared

to computerized records, which become very safe when using passwords, firewalls,

and back-ups.


9⟩ Define Source documents in accounting?

Source documents are those documents in which all kinds of business transactions are recorded. These include invoice, sales order, purchase order, debit note, credit note, goods received note; goods dispatched note, quotation, statement, remittance advice, and receipt.


11⟩ Which qualification you need to become an accounting professional?

As an accounting professional in the state of Maryland, the requirements are 150 credit hours in order to sit for the CPA examination. The exam is given in 4 parts and all 4 parts can be taken separately. Once you have passed all 4 for parts of the exam, you will be qualified as a Certified Public Accountant.

Although the CPA exam is required for all states, the credit qualification may differ for your state. The department of labor and licensing for your particular state will have more information on the items needed in order to sit for the CPA exam.

As an accounting professional in the state of Maryland, the requirements are 150 credit hours in order to sit for the CPA examination. The exam is given in 4 parts and all 4 parts can be taken separately. Once you have passed all 4 for parts of the exam, you will be qualified as a Certified Public Accountant.

Although the CPA exam is required for all states, the credit qualification may differ for your state. The department of labor and licensing for your particular state will have more information on the items needed in order to sit for the CPA exam.


12⟩ Described cost accounting and its applications?

Cost Accounting is a method by which an accountant can determine the cost of production of a "widget". This is used in accurate reporting of Cost of Goods Sold and consequently the Gross Income of a company. A Cost Accountant will follow the "widget" throughout the production process tracking any costs associated and breaking them down to a unit level. It gets more complicated than that but this is a good generic answer.


15⟩ Described the relationship between bookkeeping and accounting?

Trust, reliability, and confidentiality head the list of qualities that employers look for when selecting and promoting Certified Bookkeepers. Strong organization and communication skills are also important. Not only are bookkeepers challenged to record routine money transactions, to reconcile accounts and to locate misguided transitions, they also must be able to paint a picture--both verbally and on paper--of all the activities within their assigned area of responsibility.


17⟩ Described public accounting?

Public Accounting is best known for providing audits, CPAs who work in public accounting review company financial records for accuracy and accountability.


20⟩ Described social responsibility accounting?

It is a new phase to development of accounting and its birth to increase the social awareness. In addition, it is the social effects of business decisions in addition to the economic effects.