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“Atmosphere Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that Atmosphere is is a layer of gases surrounding a planet or other material body of sufficient mass that is held in place by the gravity of the body. An atmosphere is more likely to be retained if the gravity is high and the atmosphere's temperature is low. So learn about the Atmosphere with the help of this Atmosphere related Interview Questions with Answers guide”

38 Atmosphere Questions And Answers

1⟩ What are the principal steps in stratospheric ozone depletion caused by human activities?

The initial step in the depletion of stratospheric ozone by human activities is the emission, at Earth's surface, of ozone-depleting gases containing chlorine and bromine. Most of these gases accumulate in the lower atmosphere because they are nonreactive and do not dissolve readily in rain or snow. Eventually, these emitted source gases are transported to the stratosphere, where they are converted to more reactive gases containing chlorine and bromine. These more reactive gases then participate in reactions that destroy ozone. Finally, when air returns to the lower atmosphere, these reactive chlorine and bromine gases are removed from Earth's atmosphere by rain and snow.


2⟩ How is ozone measured in the atmosphere?

The amount of ozone in the atmosphere is measured by instruments on the ground and carried aloft on balloons, aircraft and satellites. Some measurements involve drawing air into an instrument that contains a system for detecting ozone. Other measurements are based on ozone's unique absorption of light in the atmosphere. In that case, sunlight or laser light is carefully measured after passing through a portion of the atmosphere containing ozone.


3⟩ Is total ozone uniform over the globe?

No, the total amount of ozone above the surface of Earth varies with location on time scales that range from daily to seasonal and longer. The variations are caused by stratospheric winds and the chemical production and destruction of ozone. Total ozone is generally lowest at the equator and highest near the poles because of the seasonal wind patterns in the stratosphere.


4⟩ Why do we care about atmospheric ozone?

Ozone in the stratosphere absorbs some of the Sun's biologically harmful ultraviolet radiation. Because of this beneficial role, stratospheric ozone is considered good ozone. In contrast, excess ozone at Earth's surface that is formed from pollutants is considered bad ozone because it can be harmful to humans, plants and animals. The ozone that occurs naturally near the surface and in the lower atmosphere is also beneficial because ozone helps remove pollutants from the atmosphere.


5⟩ List the types of clouds?

There are three types of clouds:

☆ Cumuliform: Clouds formed by rising air in a convection.

☆ Stratiform: Clouds formed in layers from an inversion.

☆ Cirriform : Clouds made of ice crystals at high altitude.


6⟩ How is ozone formed in the atmosphere?

Ozone is formed throughout the atmosphere in multistep chemical processes that require sunlight. In the stratosphere, the process begins with an oxygen molecule being broken apart by ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. In the lower atmosphere (troposphere), ozone is formed in a different set of chemical reactions involving hydrocarbons and nitrogen-containing gases.


7⟩ Where is ozone in atmosphere?

Ozone is found primarily in two regions of the atmosphere. About 10% of atmospheric ozone is in the troposphere, the region closest to Earth (from the surface to about 10-16 kilometers (6-10 miles)). The remaining ozone (about 90%) resides in the stratosphere between the top of the troposphere and about 50 kilometers (31 miles) altitude.


10⟩ Define a cumulonimbus?

A large cumulus cloud formed from a strong convection of humid air. It causes rain and, sometimes, thunderstorms.


13⟩ Tell me about the jet streams?

Jet streams are strong winds on the top of the troposphere that are caused by the sharp altitude change in the troposphere and the Coriolis force.


17⟩ Please tell me about hail?

Hail is rain that is taken upward by a very strong convection and it freezes before it falls back to the surface of the earth.