Flight Inspector

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“Flight Inspector based Frequently Asked Questions in various Flight Inspector job interviews by interviewer. These professional questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answers posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

68 Flight Inspector Questions And Answers

1⟩ Tell me how important is safety to you?

Safety is most important in aviation. It should always be top priority for every employees working in aviation industry. All regulatory and company safety policy and procedure must be complied while doing any activities.


2⟩ Walk me through a perfect day on job?

It was the last day of the month I was called while I was already on my way home to come and assist with interfacing to avoid OTD1(not reaching target)I then did and our branch was number on that month .


4⟩ Explain what is Stress Analysis?

People working on these areas as an aerospace engineer should have familiarity and exposure to NASTRAN and MATLAB with knowledge on space environment and modeling of flexible dynamics. These aerospace engineers will be responsible to conduct stress analysis on metallic and composite structures. NASTRAN, IDEAD, Oracle, and PATRAN proficiency level is required. Their duties also include on aircraft, which are metallic and composite structures. This includes and understanding of control surface stiffness and loop calculations, finite element modeling (FEM), fatigue testing requirement and analysis.


5⟩ Tell me what Will Be The Responsibility Of The Spacecraft Operations, Dynamics, And Controls?

People working on these areas as aerospace engineers should have familiarity and exposure to NASTRAN and MATLAB with knowledge on space environment and modeling of flexible dynamics. These aerospace engineers will be responsible to work in the areas of structural control, momentum control, line of sight (LOS), spacecraft mission design, control of space boards payloads, operational engineering.


9⟩ Explain the abilities you have in order to work with us as aviation inspector?

I have the ability to tell when something is wrong or is likely to go wrong. It does not involve solving the problem, only recognizing there is a problem, apply general rules to specific problems to produce answers that make sense, combine pieces of information to form general rules or conclusions (includes finding a relationship among seemingly unrelated events), listen to and understand information and ideas presented through spoken words and sentences, read and understand information and ideas presented in writing.


15⟩ As you know what Is The Requirement To Become A Professional Engineer (pe) In The Field Of Aerospace?

Professional Engineer license is required for people who aspire to go in as officially approved engineer. The design specification is done by self-employed people or working in small business. General aerospace engineers work for government or for big companies and hence few people are not very keen on becoming PE's. To become a PE one has to pass an exam on fundamentals of engineering which takes alot of hours to gruel and work under a licensed PE for about four years. In addition, they have to grow through a principle and practice of engineering exam, which requires about 8 hours.


16⟩ Explain me what are the skills required for aviation inspector employee in order to success in his work?

Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems, Conducting tests and inspections of products, services, or processes to evaluate quality or performance, Watching gauges, dials, or other indicators to make sure a machine is working properly, Talking to others to convey information effectively, Giving full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand the points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate times.


17⟩ Basic Flight Inspector Job Interview Questions

☛ Tell us about yourself.

☛ What was the most difficult decision you made as a pilot?

☛ Tell me about a time you discovered a safety issue and what did you do about it?

☛ How do you stay organized?

☛ How do you prevent procrastinating (what are your techniques)?

☛ What do you know about ABX?

☛ Why ABX?

☛ What are you Favorite things about your current job?

☛ What are your Least favorite things about your current job?

☛ Tell me about a time you had to quickly build a rapport with somebody.


18⟩ Fresh Flight Inspector Job Interview Questions

☛ What are the steps you will take to ensure the safety of the people taking the flight?

☛ What is VFR or Visual Flight Rules designed for?

☛ What are the different types of navigation systems used in aviation?

☛ How do you define the balanced field length?

☛ What are the different types of engines used by aircraft carriers?

☛ What are some characteristics that differentiate between a good pilot and bad pilot?

☛ What are the precautions taken during landing in low visibility?

☛ Describe the instrument approach to minimums?

☛ Explain few Instrument flight rules for the aircraft operations?

☛ What are the necessary things kept in mind while flying in snow conditions?

☛ What do you understand by stress analysis?

☛ If mobile phones are not switched off during the flight, what might happen?

☛ What are the different types of emergency landings present?

☛ What is the minimum decent rate of the aircraft?

☛ What is the maximum and minimum range of speed assigned for flying?

☛ Why is it required to have a professional degree in the field of Aerospace?

☛ What are the different areas present in aviation industry for the growth in career?

☛ What are the rules and regulations that have to be followed by the pilot while flying a plane?

☛ What is the function of carburetor?

☛ From where does aircrafts get electricity to perform their proper functions?

☛ How can you recover from a tail plane stall?

☛ What is the process by which the fuel gets injected into the engine?

☛ What are the different types of air traffic control present?

☛ What are the pollutants being released by aircraft and at what altitudes?

☛ What are the different types of instructions that have to be passed to the passengers for their safety?


19⟩ Common Flight Inspector Job Interview Questions

☛ What are the parameters that are required to measure loss factor?

☛ What is the isolation efficiency theory?

☛ What are the different types of damping that are present?

☛ What is the role of electronic media in Aerospace industry?

☛ What does the term brush pass means?

☛ What are the tools used by Aerospace engineers?

☛ How is the field of aerospace affecting the Environment system?

☛ How is ECS related to Aerospace industry?

☛ What are the benefits involved in Aerospace engineering?

☛ What is the function of turbulence in airplane?

☛ How can unexpected turbulence affect the airplane?

☛ What is Navier Stokes?

☛ What is the difference between calibration and non-calibration?

☛ What are the requirements to join the Aerospace industry?

☛ What are the functions of Brahmos Aerospace?

☛ What is the function of MMU unit used in Aerospace?

☛ How to setup multiple input/output vibration tests?

☛ Define the architecture of Aerospace industry?

☛ What is the difference between operating and dry operating weight of an aircraft?

☛ What is the difference between regenerative cooling and normal cooling?

☛ What is the function of line replaceable unit?

☛ What does an Aerospace team consist of?

☛ What is the correct skill set required for Aerospace industry?

☛ What are the elements that Aerospace consists of?

☛ What are the different types of elements present in Aerospace engineering?