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“Prototype job test questions and answers guide. The one who provides the best answers with a perfect presentation is the one who wins the job hunting race. Learn Prototype Framework and get preparation for the new job”

7 Prototype Questions And Answers

1⟩ Explain The $$() function?

The dollar dollar function is Prototype's CSS Selector Engine. It returns all matching elements, following the same rules as a selector in a CSS stylesheet. For example, if you want to get all <a> elements with the class "pulsate", you would use the following:


This returns a collection of elements. If you are using the extension of the core Prototype library, you can apply the "pulsate" (blink) effect as follows:



2⟩ Explain the Ajax object?

In an effort to reduce the amount of code needed to run a cross-browser XMLHttpRequest function, Prototype provides the Ajax object to abstract the different browsers. It has two main methods: Ajax.Request() and Ajax.Updater(). There are two forms of the Ajax object. Ajax.Request returns the raw XML output from an AJAX call, while the Ajax.Updater will inject the return inside a specified DOM object. The Ajax.Request below finds the current values of two HTML form input elements, issues an HTTP POST request to the server with those element name/value pairs, and runs a custom function


3⟩ Explain The $F() function?

Building on the $() function: the $F() function returns the value of the requested form element. For a 'text' input, the function will return the data contained in the element. For a 'select' input element, the function will return the currently selected value.



4⟩ Explain JavaScript Prototype Framework Features?

Prototype provides various functions for developing JavaScript applications. The features range from programming shortcuts to major functions for dealing with XMLHttpRequest.

Prototype also provides library functions to support classes and class-based objects, something the JavaScript language lacks. In JavaScript, object creation is prototype-based instead: an object creating function can have a prototype property, and any object assigned to that property will be used as a prototype for the objects created with that function. The Prototype framework is not to be confused with this language feature.


5⟩ How does the new keyword works?

this is the second step to understand the .prototype functionality.this is what I use to simulate the process:

function Person(name){ = name; }

my_person_prototype = { getName: function(){ console.log(; } };

in this part I'm gonna be trying to take all the steps which JavaScript takes, without using the new keyword and prototype, when you use new keyword. so when we do new Person("George"), Person function serves as a constructor, These are what JavaScript does, one by one:

a. first of all it makes an empty object, basically an empty hash like:

var newObject = {};

b. the next step that JavaScript takes is to attach the all prototype objects to the newly created object

we have my_person_prototype here similar to the prototype object.

for(var key in my_person_prototype){

newObject[key] = my_person_prototype[key];


It is not the way that JavaScript actually attaches the properties that are defined in the prototype. The actual way is related to the prototype chain concept.

now we can call the getName function in our my_person_prototype:


exactly similar to how you can call the JavaScript prototype based object.

c. then it gives that object to the constructor,

we can do this with our sample like:, "George");


Person.apply(newObject, ["George"]);

then the constructor can do whatever it wants, because this inside of that constructor is the object that was just created.


6⟩ What is Prototype JavaScript Framework?

The Prototype JavaScript Framework is a JavaScript framework created by Sam Stephenson in February 2005 as part of the foundation for Ajax support in Ruby on Rails. It is implemented as a single file of JavaScript code, usually named prototype.js. Prototype is distributed standalone, but also as part of larger projects, such as Ruby on Rails, and Rico. Prototype is used by 2.9% of all websites, which makes it one of the most popular JavaScript libraries.


7⟩ What is the exact purpose of this ".prototype" property?

The interface to standard classes become extensible. For example, you are using the Array class and you also need to add a custom serializer for all your array objects. Would you spend time coding up a subclass, or use composition or ... The prototype property solves this by letting the users control the exact set of members/methods available to a class.

Think of prototypes as an extra vtable-pointer. When some members are missing from the original class, the prototype is looked up at runtime.