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“CMS Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that a Content Management System (CMS) is a collection of procedures used to manage work flow in a collaborative environment. These procedures can be manual or computer-based. Learn Content Management System this brief and comprehensive Content Management System Interview Questions with Answers guide”

30 CMS Questions And Answers

3⟩ What are hooks?

Hooks are provided by WordPress to allow your plugin to 'hook into' WordPress; that is, to call functions in your plugin at specific times, and thereby set your plugin in motion. There are two types of hooks used in WordPress are Actions and Filters.


4⟩ Explain child theme?

A WordPress child theme is a WordPress theme that inherits its functionality from its parent WordPress theme.


5⟩ Why we used child theme in CMS?

Child themes are often used when you want to customize or tweak an existing WordPress theme without losing the ability to upgrade that theme.

Advantage is child theme is Safe Updates,Easy to Extend,Fallback Safe.


7⟩ Explain is WordPress good for Google ranking and SEO?

Yes, That is one of the major selling points of using WordPress is that it includes excellent built in search engine optimization (SEO).In Other CMS you have to install SEO extention they either free or Commercial.In WordPress you can also extend SEO feature by using some Nice FREE SEO plugins likes All in one SEO,Yoast These are popular plugins that are known to help your rank on search engines such as Google and Bing.


8⟩ Tell me how many tables a default WordPress will have?

A default wordpress will have 11 tables. They are-

► wp_commentmeta

► wp_comments

► wp_links

► wp_options

► wp_postmeta

► wp_posts

► wp_terms

► wp_term_relationships

► wp_term_taxonomy

► wp_usermeta

► wp_users


20⟩ What are Types of CMS?

There are six main categories of CMS, with their respective domains of use:

► Enterprise CMS (ECMS)

► Web CMS (WCMS)

► Document Management System (DMS)

► Mobile Content management system

► Component content management system

► Media Content Management System