Freelance Graphics Designer

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“Graphics Designer Freelance Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in Freelance Graphics Designer. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job test and quickly revise the concepts”

78 Freelance Graphics Designer Questions And Answers

1⟩ What do you think of our work?

Talk about a loaded question! Most creatives are used to giving and receiving critiques - and when asked for their honest opinion, they may have trouble holding back. Constantly making something better is part of a creative's DNA. But this is the time to opt for the abridged version of your ideas.

A hiring manager asking this question is really wondering, first, if you've done your homework and are thoroughly familiar with the company and its brands. Second, he or she wants to know that, though you have an opinion, you can convey your ideas in a diplomatic manner. (No one wants to hire a person with a know-it-all attitude.)

So, instead of answering, "Your website needs a complete overhaul," you might say, "Your website has a retro feel that's worked well for the firm, but considering that the average age of your customers is under 30, you might want to consider a more modern design." Offer a few tips that stay true to the brand and the company.


2⟩ What have you done to improve your knowledge of graphic design?

Employers want to work with designers who are already good at what they do, but they also want designers who will continue to improve with time instead of stagnating. You didn't get to where you are by doing nothing, so talk about your experiences getting here.

You didn't get to where you are by doing nothing, so talk about your experiences getting here.

You'll want to provide your educational background, but also talk about some of the classes you took and why that made you a better graphic designer. Have you learned new software over the past few years? Have you tried your hand at designing a different type of media than you're used to? Do you spend time reading design books, blogs and forums? These are all great things to mention.

You might even want to pepper in some future ideas in your responses. If you have plans to take a class in the future or if there's a design book you've had your eye on, use this to demonstrate to the employer that you're still taking steps to improve yourself.

Like always, if you can tailor your responses to fit the particular job at hand, it will better your chances of becoming employed. For example, if you're interviewing for a print design career, you'll want to talk about the ways you've improved yourself as a print designer instead of focusing on all the ways you've improved your digital work.


3⟩ What do you know about our company/brand?

Employers love it when employees take an interest in their company or brand, especially in the case of designers. After all, how can you design something that matches their brand's style if you don't know anything about them?

After all, how can you design something that matches their brand's style if you don't know anything about them?

Do your homework before the interview and try to come prepared with some idea of what the company is all about. You don't need to know all of the facts, but you should try to have an understanding of their overall message and philosophy, and why you are a good fit for them.

Employers are looking to work with designers who want to work with them, so if there's something about the company that you particularly like, now is the time to say so. Demonstrating that you share the same values as the brand helps you to look like the best candidate for the job.

If you can't find anything about the company, then this is your opportunity to learn more. Let the interviewer know that you tried to find information about the company, but were unable to. Then, ask them if they could fill you in on what you don't know. When the interviewer is done telling you about their company, reiterate your interest in the position based on your new knowledge of the company, and give some examples of why you fit in with their overall identity.


4⟩ In your opinion, what are the qualities of a good graphic designer?

Here's your first chance to sell yourself a little, but don't overdo it. Think about the qualities that make a graphic designer great, and then expound on them a little. For example, you could say something like:

"There's no substitute for design intuition, of course, but understanding design technology as it changes is absolutely vital. For that reason, I make it a priority to stay up to date with software like Adobe CS and keep my eye out for changing market trends."


5⟩ Please tell me why did you leave your last job?

This is not your own personal forum for airing out all of the grievances you had with your last employer, and doing so is not going to help you get the job. Instead, you want to remain professional and honest without coming across as someone who makes a lot of unnecessary problems. Put a positive spin on your reasoning as much as you can.

For example, money is a common reason why people leave their jobs, and it's not unreasonable to seek out new employment opportunities in order to increase your income level. However, telling a potential employer that you left over money is going to signal to them that you might do the same thing to them one day, or that it'll be expensive to keep you. Instead, you can say that you felt there was no longer any room to grow at your last company, or that you were looking for new opportunities to advance your career.

In some cases, you'll be interviewing for a job without having actually left the last one. That's okay, but expect to answer a lot of questions about what you do at your current job, why you're thinking of leaving it and how long it'll take you to be able to start your new job.

If you work freelance, you may be asked questions about your current clients and whether working for them will create time conflicts or prevent you from hitting your deadlines.

If you were fired or let go from your last job, this might be an extremely stressful and difficult question for you to answer. Don't be too nervous if you were fired-after all, everybody loves a good comeback story. Just make sure to spin this answer into something positive that helps demonstrate your growth as a designer.

Don't be too nervous if you were fired-after all, everybody loves a good comeback story.

For example, if you were let go from your last position because you weren't a good fit for your employer, it means you're ready to find a company which is better suited to your talents. If it was a personal problem, then outline the steps you've taken to correct that behavior and demonstrate your eagerness to get back in the game.

Above all else, stay positive and don't go into more detail than you need to in order to explain the situation. Don't point fingers or use this as an opportunity to badmouth your last boss. Just present the facts, show that you've grown from the experience, and move on to the next question. If the interviewer wants to know more, he or she will ask you follow-up questions.


6⟩ Tell me about a time that you had to work under pressure?

Your interviewer isn't asking this question because she wants to know about that time in college that you had a paper due but your cat got a stomach virus and your car broke down. What she's really asking is "Tell me a time that you succeeded under pressure". You'll want to answer it without framing it as a "woe is me" story. For instance:

"In my last position, we were working on a very strict budget and close deadline. Because we were skilled communicators, everyone was able to pull together and exceed client expectations when the presentation was rescheduled to a week ahead of time."


7⟩ What are your graphic design career goals?

This is an interview minefield that can be tricky to cross, especially if your career goals don't necessarily include staying with a company for an extended period of time. You want to be honest, but you don't want to come off as someone who is simply using this job as a stepping stone to something bigger. Employers realize that their employees aren't always going to stay with the company for the entirety of their career, but they also want to work with people who are committed.

You want to be honest, but you don't want to come off as someone who is simply using this job as a stepping stone to something bigger.

Express your career goals as a designer in a way that makes you seem favorable to the employer. For example, saying that you want to eventually leave to work with bigger brands and hopefully gain larger recognition might sound like a good goal to strive for, but saying as much could hurt your chances of getting the job.

Instead you might say something like "One day, I want to create a logo that is as recognizable as the McDonald's golden arches." You're telling the employer that you have lofty goals, but you're framing them in a way where the employer might be able to benefit from them. In the employer's mind, it might be their logo that you make into a nationally recognized icon.

It's important that you have goals. Saying that your career goal is to do the exact job you're interviewing for is just going to make you look desperate and directionless. The company you're interviewing with wants to expand and grow, and they want to work with designers who also want to expand and grow.


8⟩ What is your design process?

This is an intuitive question, but because it can involve multiple steps, it's best to practice it before hand so that you aren't stumbling over your words as you attempt to get them out. This is also a question that gauges how efficient you are, as well as your attention to detail. You want to fall somewhere in the middle-talking about how it takes at least 15 drafts before you reach your final design will make it seem like you won't meet deadlines. On the other hand, claiming that you always design perfectly at square one will make it seem like you don't value craftsmanship or worse, that you're arrogant. You might say something like,

"Before I get started on a project, I like to develop a number of milestones to refer to so that I can stay on track. After that, I begin with a preliminary concept sketches and choose the ones that best meet client expectations. I will typically do three of four mock-ups to tweak the final design before I present it to the client. Of course, I always take any constructive criticism directed towards my work to improve as I go."


9⟩ What kinds of print media have you worked with?

If you're applying for a job designing print media, chances are the employer is going to want to know what kind of print you've worked with in the past. This also rings true for any design job, not just print-employers want to know how comfortable you are working in different mediums.

This is because employers want to know if they're going to have to train you on anything down the line, which could be expensive on their behalf. So they want to see what you already know to gauge how much further you still need to go. Be sure to mention the types of media you've worked within, the equipment you've used and any formal training you might have received along the way.

If you can manage it, bring examples of your past print work for the employer to see. Since this is print we're talking about, it makes an even bigger impression if you have actual, physical examples that the employer can touch, hold and possibly even keep for themselves. Check out our tips for designing a unique print design portfolio for more information.

It makes an even bigger impression if you have actual, physical examples that the employer can touch, hold and possibly even keep for themselves.

If you don't have much experience with print (or any medium you might be planning to work with), then you still need to find a way to impart your knowledge of the subject so employers know that you at least have something to bring to the table. For example, do some research on print design before the interview so you can at least say that you understand the basic concepts and limitations of working in the medium.


10⟩ What kind of design projects are you interested in?

A question like this is why it's so important to do your research. You don't want to apply for a job doing layout design for educational materials and moon over how much you love motion graphics for social marketing campaigns. A sample answer might sound a little like:

"I'm always trying to develop better practices for streamlined User Interface layout graphics. I'm really excited at the work this company has done for XYZ website, and I hope I'll get a chance to contribute to a similar project."


11⟩ Which software do you prefer to work with and why?

Again, this is where research comes in handy. If you're applying to a design job as a 3D modeler with a company that uses 3DStudio Max you want to be able to say that you use that same program, not that you only use Maya because you think 3DS is inferior. You can frame it like this:

"I think it's important to know multiple modeling systems, because each has it's benefits and drawbacks. I understand that your studio uses 3DStudio Max;


12⟩ What's your greatest accomplishment?

A hiring manager wants to know about your career grand slams but also may be trying to find out what success means to you. If you're like most designers, you probably don't have a shortage of projects you're happy to discuss. It's wise to offer an example you are proud of that also benefited a previous employer. Perhaps you identified eco-conscious vendors because a greener approach to design is a personal interest. In doing so, you also saved your firm money and helped it enhance its brand.


13⟩ What kind of design software are you familiar with?

When interviewers ask this question, they're trying to find out if you're able to use their in-house software, or how quickly you'd be able to learn if you're unfamiliar with it. Obviously, your best-case scenario is to know ahead of time what kind of software they use. If you already know how to use their preferred software, this will be a pretty straightforward answer.

If you don't know their software or you have no idea what they use, this can be a tricky question to answer. Tell them what you do know, and try to include any program you think they might use. If you use something that's similar to another program, that can also be a big help and the interviewer might not always be able to make that connection, so be sure to do it for them. For example, if you use one of the many Photoshop alternatives out there, you probably understand the basics of Photoshop too.

Express a willingness to learn new programs-this is a good idea even if you're familiar with their in-house software. You never know when the company might upgrade to new software, so designers who can make the switch without taking a long time to adjust are always favorable candidates. If you've ever had to learn new software for a job in the past, be sure to mention this in your interview.

Express a willingness to learn new programs-this is a good idea even if you're familiar with their in-house software.


14⟩ What are your weaknesses as Graphics Designer?

You know that lame thing where you try to make your "weaknesses" sound like a positive thing?

"Oh, I work too hard. I'm too much of a perfectionist. I'm too nice!"

Interviewers can see right through that act. When they ask about your weaknesses, they're not trying to find out what's bad about you, they're trying to find out how you deal with your own shortcomings, and what steps you've taken to improve yourself as a designer. When you try to cover up your weaknesses, it demonstrates to the interviewer that, well, you try to hide your weaknesses instead of fixing them.

When you try to cover up your weaknesses, it demonstrates to the interviewer that, well, you try to hide your weaknesses instead of fixing them.

Give a few relevant examples of your greatest weaknesses, but also provide examples of ways in which you've tried to work on them. Once again, you should back up your claims. Suppose your biggest weakness is that you have difficulty managing your time. Instead of just saying it's something you need to work on, mention how you got a new app for your phone that's helping you better manage your time, or that you've started writing out a schedule before working each day.


15⟩ What are your strengths as Graphics Designer?

This is your chance to show off-but don't overdo it. Of course you want to showcase your best accomplishments as a designer, as well as the positive qualities that you can bring to the workplace. But that's where many people lose their focus-they forget about what's important to the company they're interviewing with. Frame your strengths in a way that they are relevant to your potential employer. Whenever possible, try to tailor your responses so that they match closely with what the company is looking for. For example, instead of just saying that you know InDesign, you might mention that you have plenty of experience designing multi-page materials if you're interviewing with a company that puts out a lot of brochures.

Avoid using clichés, like saying you're a "hard worker" or a "team player." These are empty words unless you have examples to back up your claims-which you should. You want to sound impressive to potential employers, but you also have to present yourself in a way that makes you stand out over all the other candidates, who are likely just as "hard-working" and "team-playing" as you are.

You also have to present yourself in a way that makes you stand out over all the other candidates, who are likely just as 'hard-working' and 'team-playing' as you are.


16⟩ Would you consider yourself a team player?

No matter if you're an in-house designer or working freelance from home, you are a part of something greater and you belong to a team of people all working towards the same goal. When employers ask this question, they're not looking for a simple "yes" or "no." They're looking for some sort of indication as to where you fit in the team.

Are you the type of person who naturally ends up leading the team? Are you happy to just play whatever role is necessary on the team to get the job done? Are you the type of person who can always be counted on to put in the extra work to do last-minute tasks that pop up? These are the type of things that employers want to know.

If you're a bit of a lone wolf, it's okay to run without a pack, but you're going to have to make some sort of concessions to your future employers. If you work best alone, find some other way that you can contribute to the team. Suggest that you're happy to participate in planning and development meetings, or that you'll check in on a regular basis with your team through e-mail.

If you're a bit of a lone wolf, it's okay to run without a pack, but you're going to have to make some sort of concessions to your future employers.

Employers just want to make sure that everything will keep running smoothly if they hire you, and that you'll be able to get along and work effectively beside the people who already work there.


17⟩ What have you learned from your mistakes as a graphic designer?

We've all made blunders along the way. Employers are sympathetic to this fact, but they also want to work with designers who have learned from their mistakes and improved their craft because of it. Be prepared with examples from your career that demonstrate your ability to bounce back from a mistake-without making you look like a total doofus.

Be prepared with examples from your career that demonstrate your ability to bounce back from a mistake-without making you look like a total doofus.

Employers also want to see that you've learned from your mistakes-not just that you've learned to avoid making the same mistake again, but that you were able to adjust the way you work or think. They want to know how this mistake has made you a better graphic designer, not merely that you were able to save face after the fact.

Perhaps making a mistake in a graphic design program inspired you to research and learn more about it, to not only prevent future mistakes but discover new ways to improve your craft. Employers see you as an investment, so you have to show them that you'll only get better with time, and that the longer they stick with you, the more value you'll demonstrate.


18⟩ What is your graphic design process?

Since this can be a long, detailed answer, you'll want to have prepared for it ahead of time so that you don't trip over your words, accidentally omit details, or ramble on with too much information. Employers ask this question because they want to know how you do what you do, how long it'll take you to do it and the kinds of roadblocks you are likely to run into along the way.

Employers ask this question because they want to know how you do what you do, how long it'll take you to do it and the kinds of roadblocks you are likely to run into along the way.

Some designers are lucky to be able to just sit down and crank out an amazing design with barely any thought or planning, while other designers need to utilize a dozen different drafts and outlines to get their design finished.

Employers usually want you to be somewhere in between these two extremes. You should have a process that allows for revisions and critiques, but is also speedy enough that you'll hit your deadlines without any problem. For some designers, this might mean actually sitting down and figuring out what your process is-but that's okay. The more thought you give to the kind of designer you are, the more you'll have to work with during your interview, and the easier it is to showcase yourself as the best candidate for the job.


19⟩ How do you handle criticism?

Let's be honest-artists and designers sometimes have a tendency to turn into divas when faced with criticism or editorial guidelines. It can be frustrating to work in a creative field and have outside factors hinder your creative expressions. But for a professional graphic designer, criticism is a part of the job; employers want to know that you'll be able to suck it up and make changes to your design when necessary.

Let's be honest-artists and designers sometimes have a tendency to turn into divas when faced with criticism or editorial guidelines.

What's important here is to impart upon the interviewer that you can take direction, that you're open to the ideas of others, and that you understand how to work within a hierarchy. However, the interviewer might try to throw in different follow-up questions or add modifiers to test how you work when treated unfairly or when given bad criticism.

Answer in a way that's truthful, but that shows you can still be part of the team, even if you tend to be a little too argumentative and passionate about your work when faced with unjust criticism. Make sure the employer knows that you are open to critique and willing to listen.


20⟩ Can you tell me a bit about yourself?

Give a brief summary of your professional persona. Include who you are, any education or experience you might have, and maybe a few snippets of information on your career thus far. You don't want to go into too much detail, just think of this as an introduction to who you are. You want to be friendly and open, with a focus on your accomplishments as a designer.

You don't want to go into too much detail, just think of this as an introduction to who you are.

It's a good idea to hand over a business card at this point. Many people wait until the end of the job interview for this (if they have a business card at all), but it makes a better first impression if you offer your card during introductions. It not only shows you have a professional attitude, it actually gives your interviewer a first look at how you design (assuming, of course, that you design your own business cards.)