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“DTD Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that Document Type Definition (DTD) is a set of markup declarations that define a document type for SGML-family markup languages(SGML, XML, HTML). A DTD is a kind of XML schema. DTDs use a terse formal syntax that declares precisely which elements and references may appear where in the document of the particular type, and what the elements contents and attributes are. So learn DTD by the of this this DTD Interview Questions with Answers guide”

43 DTD Questions And Answers

1⟩ What is test case analysis?

Test case analysis means reviewing the test case normally done by team lead or Quality Manager. In this process he / she walkthorugh the testccases and compares with the SRS or functional document and also checks whether all major scenarios were considered by test engineer while writting the test case and informs accordingly.


3⟩ what are Standards for Software Test Plans?

Several standards suggest what a test plan should contain, including the IEEE. The standards are: IEEE standards: 829-1983 IEEE Standard for Software Test Documentation 1008-1987 IEEE Standard for Software Unit Testing 1012-1986 IEEE Standard for Software Verification & Validation Plans 1059-1993 IEEE Guide for Software Verification & Validation Plans


7⟩ What is Scalability Testing? Which tool is used?

The execution of project functionality under customer expected configuration and customer expected load to estimate the performance of the project is called load testing or scalability testing. LoadRunner, Winrunner, Astra, Rational Robot


8⟩ What is the major difference between Web services and client server environment?

The major difference between them are: Web Services: Its more towards the internet side. When we talk about web services it could mean from the java side (deployed on Apache) or Windows side (deployed on IIS). Testing web services is totally a different topic here. Client Server: The system here involves a client system or a GUI (wherein a user see the front end by which he can input to the system) and a Server ( a backend usually) where in the data gets saved via the GUI


9⟩ What is calability testing?

If it is Scalbilty testing , then Scalability testing can be performed as a series of load tests with different hardware or software configurations keeping other settings of testing environment unchanged. The purpose of scalability testing is to determine whether your application scales for the workload growth. Suppose your company expects a six-fold load increase on your server in the next two months. You may need to increase the server performance and to shorten the request processing time to better serve visitors. If your application is scalable, you can shorten this time by upgrading the server hardware, for example, you can increase the CPU frequency and add more RAM (also, you can increase the request performance by changing the server software, for example, by replacing the text-file data storages with SQL Server databases. To find a better solution, first you can test hardware changes, then software changes and after that compare the results of the tests).


11⟩ what is the purpose of software testings - Bug removal, Systems functionality working, quality or all?

purpose of software testing's is to detect the Bug , System's functionality working will be smooth , and the job is done with full quality. purpose of software testing is to detect bugs and then report those bugs to the development team to fix those bugs and test the functionality as well as interdependence of modules and finaly the quality assurance.


12⟩ Define Reliability?

Finding the mean time b/w system failure and system recovery. We should take care of the following in reliability testing. Business logic performs as expected Active buttons are really active Correct menu options are available Reliable hyper links


13⟩ Define Quality - bug free, Functionality working or both?

Quality: The degree to which a product performs as advertised, without flaws and without unnecessary complications Also for finding bugs and making sure they (bugs)get fixed and stay fixed. Quality means - 1. For the development team - meeting all the requirements specifications. 2. For customers - Fit for use.


14⟩ What are test bugs?

A bug is a defect in software that causes that same software to fail to comply to a given specification. You have two types of bugs:

1) code error related bugs and

2) design error related bugs the test bugs are those which can found in source code or in earier stage in like in desiging or some time in the requirements collection if the interact between customer and domain comany people is missing.


16⟩ What is the difference between bug and defect?

Bug: The problem getting at the time of testing. Defect: when we get problem on customer's hand is a defect. Defect:Tester found a mismatch during testing time is called as defect. Bug:tester found defect is accepted by tracking team and developer ready to fix is called as bug


19⟩ What is the difference between SYSTEM TESTING and END-TO-END TESTING?

System testing is the phase of software testing in which the complete system is tested. It follows Integration testing. End to End testing is the testing of the application for all the possible scenarios. It is someway related to Exhaustive testing of the application. however, this can not be done in practise as they are more time consuming.


20⟩ What is Traceability Matrix? Is there any interchangeable term for Traceability Matrix?

I think it is not Matrix..it is Metrics.Traceability Metrics is a proof of document to ensure that all the specifications are been tested and the application is bug free.The Traceability metrics Includes The following Details:BRD#FS#TEST CASE#DESCRIPTIONTESTERTEST SETUPPASSED/FAILEDDEFFECTSTATUS OF DEFFECTETC.There are different metices are used to figure out how the QA is going about the testing.Test case execution metricsScript metricsRequirements metricsDeffects tracking metrics.The metrics are also used as Map among differe System features,Test cases,Modules and so on.ex: it is very easy to find who is responsible for deffect id

1009 in Login module for BRD

3.11.5 Etc.