Senior Frontend Developer

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“Senior Frontend Developer Frequently Asked Questions in various Senior Frontend Developer job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview”

44 Senior Frontend Developer Questions And Answers

5⟩ When would you use CSS float?

Float is used when you want to make an element of your page (usually an image) be pushed to the right or left and make other elements wrap around it.


6⟩ Tell us have you already used MVC before? What you like/dislike about it?

As the UI gets more and more complex we need some good ways to keep it more and more maintainable and reusable, and Some MVC frameworks for javascript have been widely adopted lately and it's a good plus if you have already used before and knows what's the benefits of them. The most famous MVC frameworks are backbone.js and angular.js, it's hard to not hear about them.

There are many advantages in using these frameworks, I can point out some of them:

☛ Organization: Forces your webapp to follow a well structured pattern;

☛ Maintainable: With organization comes an easy to maintain code;

☛ UI Binding: Some frameworks allow you to do that. So everytime your model changes, the view reflects it and vice-versa;

☛ Decoupled client: MVC frameworks like backbone.js incentivise you to use REST API's though their urlRoot attribute in their Models;

☛ Reusable components: Create reusable visual components;

☛ Single-page apps: Build single-page apps with Ajax requests;

☛ Friendly URL's: Native support for client-side url mapping;


9⟩ Tell me what Is An Iife?

IIFE stands for immediately-invoked function expression; it executes immediately after created by adding a () after the function.


11⟩ Tell me the concept of a CSS float and provide an example of its usage?

This technical question quizzes the applicant on their understanding of a common CSS element. This basic question is a good way to screen the interviewee and ensure that they're more than acquainted with CSS. What to look for in an answer:

A concrete definition of CSS floats

Examples of how the applicant uses this element in their code

Confidence in explaining this technical concept to any audience


12⟩ Tell us have you ever used an MVC? If so, which one and what do you like or dislike about it?

MVC stands for Model View Controller. MVCs typically organise web applications into a well-structured pattern, making code easier to maintain. The term is well-known by developers and some famous examples of MVCs include Backbone.js and AngularJS. What makes this question interesting is not whether the interviewee has used a MVC, but what his or her preferences and experience reveal. Candidates who are able to articulate why they use one MVC over another, show that they are engaged in what they do, care about the technology they use, and have considered different options. You want to be able to trust your front end developer to keep up to date with new relevant technologies and have a clear idea of when and what should be used.


13⟩ Tell us how do you organize your JavaScript code?

This questions will give you an insight into how your candidate organizes their code. Do they separate JavaScript and HTML? Is the JS broken into logical units and kept in separate files? Do they use a script to concatenate these files into a single bundle? Do they use JS namespaces to avoid cluttering up the global namespace?


14⟩ Tell me what makes up a good Front-End Developer? What are his responsibilities?

Before speaking about who a Front-End Developer is, it is important to know what front-end is all about. Front-End, for a website, concerns all the components that the user accesses as part of his interactions with the website. So, it is all about the inclusion of buttons, color schemes, images, forms, animations and typography.

So, the job of a front-end developer basically involves the creation of user-friendly components of a website. He is a software programmer who writes codes for all the features of a website that will improve its functionality, in a number of creative ways. Making the best use of his innovative and creative web development skills, it is the prime responsibility of a front-end developer to ensure that the look and feel of a particular website is uniform across different web browsers.


15⟩ Tell me what Is The Lazy Loading?

Lazy loading is a design pattern commonly used in computer programming to defer initialization of an object until the point at which it is needed.

Lazy loading is loading code only once user needs it. For Example, there is a button on the page, which shows different layout once user pressed it. So there is no need to load code for that layout on initial page load.


16⟩ Tell us can you describe your workflow when you create a web page?

The workflow of a modern front-end developer has changed vastly in the past four or five years. A huge array of tools are available to build organized, scalable web applications by abstracting out many of the complexities and automating repetitive tasks. Each developer will share a different workflow which will give some insight into their organizational capacity and general technical preferences.


17⟩ Tell us what Is A Callback Function?

JavaScript is read line by line. Sometimes, this can result in what seems like a subsequent line of code being executed prior to an earlier line of code. A callback function is used to prevent this from happening, because it is not called until the previous line of code has fully executed.


18⟩ Tell me can you list all the technical and additional skills that are required by a front-end developer?

A good front-end developer should have working knowledge about:



☛ JavaScript

☛ JQuery

Apart from the above mentioned technical skills, a front-end developer will become an asset to an organization provided he possess the below mentioned “good-to-have” skills.

☛ Basic knowledge about SEO and tools like Dreamweaver and Flash which are used to present web-based information to end users

☛ Information about cross browser testing

☛ Knowledge of any of the Content Management Systems (CMS) like Drupal, WordPress and Joomla

☛ Knowledge about Object Oriented Programming languages like OOPS and PHP


20⟩ Do you know what is CoffeeScript? What are the Ways in which CoffeeScript is Superior to JavaScript?

CoffeeScript is a small programming language that helps you fine tune JavaScript code. This language which compiles into JavaScript is a perfect alternative to the irregular syntax of JavaScript. Consistency in syntax is what makes CoffeeScript superior to JavaScript. Here are the basic rules for CoffeeScript:

Absence of curly braces

Functions that take arguments do not need parentheses

CoffeeScript is a better option compared to JavaScript on account of the following inherent advantages.

CoffeeScript simplifies your daily programming chores in contrast to JavaScript.

CoffeeScript cuts down on coding requirements and permits you to express your program with small codes, when compared to JavaScript.

Through CoffeeScript, you can make the most of the lightweight add-ons like Python style list comprehension and Ruby string interpolation.