Signature Program

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“Signature Program guideline for job interview preparation. Explore list of Signature Program frequently asked questions(FAQs) asked in number of Signature Program interviews. Post your comments as your suggestions, questions and answers on any Signature Program Interview Question or answer. Ask Signature Program Question, your question will be answered by our fellow friends.”

10 Signature Program Questions And Answers

4⟩ Explain Does XML Signature provide for non-repudiation?

The specification does not speak of non-repudation for the following reason. An XML Signature associates a specific key with a specific message such that it is computational infeasible for anyone without the key to alter either the message or the signature without the signature under that key being broken. Consequently, the specification speaks of signer authentication. Note that the use of assymetric keys does provide for technical non-repudation because only one person need have access to the key. However, when symmetric key algorithms (like HMAC) are used both the sender and receiver have access to the key. Furthermore, non-repudation is frequently defined in the context of the trust model and concerns itself with the trustworthiness of key distribution and revocation. Consequently, we avoid the term non-repudiation.


7⟩ Explain How to create a signature over some content at a URL such that can change the URL without breaking the signature?

Use Reference in a Manifest to indicate the content by URI. Reference in Signature should indicate Manifest but should have transform that omits URI. Thus, URI can be changed without breaking signature.

NOTE: Core validation does not validate digest values in Manifest (only in SignedInfo), so the application must validate the Manifest after calling upon core validation.


10⟩ How do sign a single data object with multiple keys?

Create a seperate Signature for every key that you want to apply to SignedInfo and its data objects. To remove redundancy where SignedInfo includes many references, create a single Manifest with each Signature referencing that single Manifest.