GIS Analysis

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“GIS Data Analysis Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that Geographic Information System (GIS), or Geographical Information System, is any system that captures, stores, analyzes, manages, and presents data that are linked to location. Technically, a GIS is a system that includes mapping software and its application to remote sensing, land surveying, aerial photography, mathematics, photogrammetry, geography, and tools that can be implemented with GIS software. Learn GIS Now.”

32 GIS Analysis Questions And Answers

2⟩ What is point-in-polygon overlay?

► 1. A method interpolating point data

► 2. An overlay method used to determine which points lay within the boundary of a polygon

► 3. An overlay method used to determine the distance between a point and it is nearest neighboring polygon

► 4. An overlay method used to reclassify polygon data

An overlay method used to determine which points lay within the boundary of a polygon


3⟩ Which of the following could you use a buffer operation?

► 1. Calculating the distance from one point to another

► 2. Calculating the area of overlap between two polygon data layers

► 3. Determining the area within a set distance from a point, line or area feature

► 4. Calculating the number of observations within a set distance of a point, line or area feature

Determining the area within a set distance from a point, line or area feature

Calculating the number of observations within a set distance of a point, line or area feature


13⟩ What is spatial interpolation?

► 1. The process of establishing values for areas outside the boundary of an existing set of data points.

► 2. The process of modelling spatial pattern from a set of one or more data layers

► 3. The process of establishing values for areas between an existing set of discrete observations

► 4. The process of establishing a statistical relationship between two spatially correlated variables

The process of establishing values for areas between an existing set of discrete observations.


15⟩ Do you know what is the basic work of a GIS technician?

A GIS technician works closely with end users to identify GIS data requirements and handle technical issues. It is also the job of a GIS technician to manage data maintenance and manipulation and handle extraction activities along with ensuring preparation, planning and updating a variety of maps and drawings to be part of a GIS database.


19⟩ What is geo-referencing?

Geo-referencing is the process of associating plain digital images taken from a satellite or a plane with map coordinates so that they can be overlaid on street maps.