Ab Initio

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“Ab Initio Data Warehousing Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that the Ab Initio software is a suite of products which together provide a platform for data processing applications. The Core Ab Initio products are: Co>Operating System The Component Library Graphical Development Environment Enterprise Meta>Environment Data Profiler Conduct>It So get preparation for the job of Ab Initio by the help of this Ab Initio Data Warehousing Interview Questions with Answers guide”

39 Ab Initio Questions And Answers

1⟩ How can i run the 2 GUI merge files?

Do you mean by merging Gui map files in WR.If so, by merging GUI map files in GUI map editor it wont create corresponding test script.without testscript you cant run a file.So it is impossible to run a file by merging 2 GUI map files.


3⟩ Describe how you would ensure that database object definitions (Tables, Indices, Constraints, Triggers, Users, Logins, Connection Options, and Server Options etc) are consistent and repeatable between multiple database instances (i.e. a test and production copy of a database)?

Take an entire database backup and restore it in different instance.

Take a statistics of all valid and invalid objects and match.

Periodically refresh


8⟩ What does dependency analysis mean in Ab Initio?

Dependency analysis will answer the questions regarding datalinage.That is where does the data come from,what applications prodeuce and depend on this data etc.

We can retrieve the maximum (surrogate key) from the existing data,the by using scan or next_in_sequence/reformat we can generate further sequence for new records.


9⟩ What is local and formal parameter?

Two are graph level parameters but in local you need to initialize the value at the time of declaration where as globle no need to initialize the data it will promt at the time of running the graph for that parameter.



Broadcast - Takes data from multiple inputs, combines it and sends it to all the output ports.

Eg - You have 2 incoming flows (This can be data parallelism or component parallelism) on Broadcast component, one with 10 records & other with 20 records. Then on all the outgoing flows (it can be any number of flows) will have 10 + 20 = 30 records

Replicate - It replicates the data for a particular partition and send it out to multiple out ports of the component, but maintains the partition integrity.

Eg - Your incoming flow to replicate has a data parallelism level of 2. with one partition having 10 recs & other one having 20 recs. Now suppose you have 3 output flos from replicate. Then each flow will have 2 data partitions with 10 & 20 records respectively.


13⟩ Can anyone give me an exaple of realtime start script in the graph?

Here is a simple example to use a start script in a graph:

In start script lets give as:

export $DT=`date '+%m%d%y'`

Now this variable DT will have today's date before the graph is run.

Now somewhere in the graph transform we can use this variable as;


which provides the value from the shell.


17⟩ How Does MAXCORE works?

Maxcore is a value (it will be in Kb).Whne ever a component is executed it will take that much memeory we specified for execution


19⟩ What is skew and skew measurement?

skew is the mesaureof data flow to each partation .

suppose i/p is comming from 4 files and size is 1 gb

1 gb= ( 100mb+200mb+300mb+5oomb)

1000mb/4= 250 mb

(100- 250 )/500= --> -150/500 == cal ur self it wil come in -ve value.

calclu for 200,500,300.

+ve value of skew is allways desriable.

skew is a indericet measure of graph.