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“Reportnet Frequently Asked Questions in various Reportnet Interviews asked by the interviewer. So learn Reportnet with the help of this Reportnet Interview questions and answers guide and feel free to comment as your suggestions, questions and answers on any Reportnet Interview Question or answer by the comment feature available on the page.”

34 Reportnet Questions And Answers

2⟩ Explain What are components of reportnet?

ReportNet has a three-tier architecture, namely,

(1) Web server

(2) Applications and

(3) Data.

The tiers are based on business function, and are typically separated by firewalls. ReportNet user interfaces sit above the tiers.ReportNet user interfaces include

(a) Web-based Cognos Connection, Cognos Report Studio, and Query Studio

(b) Windows-based Framework Manager


4⟩ How to provide security in frame work manager for a query subject?

procedure for providing security for query subject in frame work manager is:

select querysubject -> in properties pane select ->security filters(click on edit)a specify data security wizard appears->click on add groups -> cognosnamesspace(select users and groups wizard opens)


6⟩ Explain the difference between DW and BI?

There may be a Feature film (movie) without a Trialer.But there will be no trialer without a movie.similarly Data warehousing is a concept related to extracting client's business data and applying business processing features on that data according to user needs and finally loading the processed data into a database,this database is what we call a warehouse or data warehouse. After the completion of a data warehouse the business user ultimately want to view his data (a precise and summary data)but as a business person he may don't have knowledge of accessing a database( a computer person can access the database with SQL) there comes olap toos(which help that person to access the database )we can call these olap tools as Business Intelligence tools(Intelligence in sense they generate sql queries internally and provide lot of facilities and privileges for a reporting developers in formating the data and presenting it in a higly convenient manner). So data warehouse(movie) is a database and business intelligence tools(trialers) present the content of a database in an effecticient manner.


8⟩ Is Framework Manager an un-needed overhead? As we know Report Studio allows us to create the data model from a query and thereby skipping Framework Manager. Given that this feature is available, in what scenarios would one want to skip Framework Manager?

Actually the it is not possible to make reports without packages and packages can be build in FM. So no way one can skip FM and create reports.Adding to it,we need metadata (created in FM) to create relations among tables or views and also creating objects which satisfies reporting need.


9⟩ Explain Is there any comparison available for Cognos Reportnet Vs Crystal reports?

There is a lot of difference between Crystal reports an Cognos Report net.

1.Crystal report is a product of Business Objects where as Reportnet is of cognos.

2.Cryatal reports is for only low 2 midrange analysis and that to some even says tha they wont use this for analysis used to make proper strategic decision But report net yes it is for high end analysis.

3.In reportnet we can login through web and can create our own desired report through web.


12⟩ Explain What are the advantages of query studio compared to report studio?

The query studio is used to create adhoc reports, it is easy to understand the bussiness user.The report studio is mainly used to create proffessional and corporate reports, it is not like query studio it is having mainly 3 explorers those are page explorer,conditional explorer and variable explorer by using these it is working.

You can view the output in the work area itself while creating the reports in QS but in report studio only when u run the report you can view the values ie the output.


14⟩ Explain What are components of report studio?

Componenets of Report Studio:

1. Insertable Objects pane.

2. Properties pane.

3. Explorer bar - Conditional Explorer, Query Explorer, Page Explorer.

4. Report Viewer - Workarea, Report Layout Objects.


15⟩ Explain What is difference between query studio and report studio?

Query Studio:

1. Used to create Ad-hoc (or) simple reports.

2. It does not provide any pre-defined report templates.

3. It directly displays data (without running the report) when we insert attributes in the report.

Report Studio:

1. Used to create complex reports.

2. It provides pre-defined report templates.

3. It does not display the data directly in the report. We need to run the report to display the data.


16⟩ How to create prompts in report net?

Prompts is mean by the end user can be filter the data.

1. u can open the explore bar and added the new prompts page, And

enter the new name.

2. u go to tool menu and track prompts button

3. u select prompts and then ok


17⟩ How to drill through from a powerplay cube to reportnet?

Setting up drill-through access from PowerPlay Web to ReportNet involves

1. configuring Cognos Series 7 for drill-through access to ReportNet

2. preparing the Transformer model and cube

3. copying the search path of the folder that contains the target report

4. enabling the cube for drill-through access to ReportNet

5. deciding which filters to create in the target report

6. creating the target report

7. disabling the Drill Through Assistant


18⟩ What is prompt types of prompts?use of prompts syntax of prompt?

Prompts act as questions that help users to customize the information in a report to suit their own needs.The different types of Prompt are

Value prompt

Text Prompt

Date prompt

Time prompt

Date and time prompt

Using prompts is faster and easier than repeatedly changing the filter.

Cognos Report Studio provides several ways to create prompts. You can

► use the Build Prompt Page tool

► build your own prompt and prompt page

► create a parameter to produce a prompt

► create a Prompt directly in a report page


20⟩ How to allow a dynamic selection of a column for a measure in a chart,without using Variable?

We can in do it in this way. first creat a list report in which u have a calculated item in the starting.

Then creat a prompt page with a value prompt.In value prompt creat static choice of which u want to be dynamically displayed.

Let the parameter of value prompt be ?Par1? and the choices as Revenue, Cost.

Now u write the expression of the calculated item in the report page as follows, "If ?Par1?=Revenue then Revenue else Cost.

Here Revenue,Cost should b dragged from the Model Items. So now the calculated item column displays the value of the one selected in the prompt.

Now make a graph using the list report,then place the calculated item on the axis of the chart ,which u wanted to display dynamically based on ur selection.

So now if u select Revenue in the prompt then the grph will take the values for Revenue.And if u select Cost then graph will be with the values of Cost.

Let me know wether this is working good r not,for my confirmation.