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“PostgreSQL Interview Questions and Answers will guide us about PostgreSQL, often simply Postgres, is an object-relational database management system (ORDBMS). It is released under a MIT-style license and is thus free and open source software. As with many other open source programs, PostgreSQL is not controlled by any single company, but has a global community of developers and companies to develop it. Learn PostgreSQL by this PostgreSQL Interview Questions with Answers guide”

24 PostgreSQL Questions And Answers

1⟩ Explain what is PostgreSQL?

This is regarded as one of the most successful open source database in the world. This is also used to create advanced applications. This relies on Object relational database management system. Familiarity with UNIX and Linux can be an added advantage while using PostgreSQL.


2⟩ State some of the advanced features of PostgreSQL?

These are the following features which are present in PostgreSQL they are

1) Object relational database

2) Extensibility and support for SQL

3) Database validation and flexible API

4) Procedural languages and MVCC

5) Client server and WAL.


3⟩ Explain about Write Ahead logging?

This feature increases the reliability of the database by logging changes before any changes or updations to the data base. This provides log of database incase of a database crash. This helps to start the work from the point it was discontinued.


4⟩ Explain about the command enable debug?

This command is used for enabling compilation of all libraries and applications. This process generally slows down the system and it also increases the binary file size. Debugging symbols are present which can assist developers in noticing bugs and problems associated with their script.


5⟩ What are the languages which PostgreSQL supports?

Some of the languages which PostgreSQL supports are as follows: -

It supports a language of its own known as PL/pgSQL and it supports internal procedural languages. Pl/pgSQL can be compared to oracle, PL/SQL, etc. Languages such as Perl, Python, TCL can be used as embedded languages.


9⟩ Explain about Multi version concurrency control?

Multi version concurrency control or MVCC is used to avoid unnecessary locking of the database. This removes the time lag for the user to log into his database. This feature or time lag occurs when some one else is on the content. All the transactions are kept as a record.


11⟩ Explain about concurreny with the help of MVCC?

Multi version concurrency control is used to manage concurrency. This feature is very useful because changes made in the database will not be visible to other users until the transaction is completed. This removes the need for read locks. ACID principles are given a further boost by this feature and can be implemented in general.


12⟩ Explain about string constants?

String constant contains a sequence of characters bound by single quotes. This feature is used during insertion of a character or passing character to database objects. PostgreSQL allows the usage of single quotes but embedded by a C style backslash. This feature is important in parsing data.


13⟩ How do you create a data base with postgreSQL?

Creating a database is the primary step in creating a database. A command

$createdb newdatabasedb


This creates a new database and a message displays CREATE DATABASE which indicates that the creation of the database was successful.


15⟩ Explain about pgadmin?

Pgadmin forms a graphical front end administration tool. This feature is available under free software released under Artistic License. Pgadmin iii is the new database administration tool released under artistic license.


17⟩ Explain about database administration tools?

There are various data administration tools they are

1) Psql

2) Pgadmin

3) Phppgadmin

Most of these tools are front end administration tools and web based interfaces. Out of these phppgadmin is the most popular one.


18⟩ Explain about Triggers?

By SQL query you can trigger an event. Triggers can be activated with the help of INSERT and UPDATE queries. These can be attached to tables. Triggers more than one can be triggered alphabetically. These triggers have the capability to invoke functions from other languages.


19⟩ Explain about tokens?

Tokens are also known to contain several special character symbols. It can be considered as keyword, constant, identifier and quoted identifier. Keywords include pre defined SQL meanings and SQL commands. Variable names such as tables, columns, etc are represented by identifiers.


20⟩ Explain about indices of PostgreSQL?

There are built in functions such as B-tree, hash table, and GIST indices can be used or users can define their own indices. PostgreSQL can scan the index backwards. Expression index could be created with the result of an expression. Partial index created with addition of WHERE clause.