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“Teradata Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that Teradata is a hardware and software vendor specializing in data warehousing and analytic applications. Teradata was formerly a division of NCR Corporation. Learn more about Teradata by our Teradata Interview Questions with Answers guide”

20 Teradata Questions And Answers

2⟩ Does SDLC changes when you use Teradata instead of Oracle?

If the teradata is going to be only a data base means It won’t change the System development life cycle (SDLC)

If you are going to use the teradata utilities then it will change the Architecture or SDLC

If your schema is going to be in 3NF then there won’t be huge in change


3⟩ What are two examples of an OLTP environment?

# Transactions take a matter of seconds or less.

# Many transactions involve a small amount of data.


On Line Banking

On Line Reservation (Transportation like Rail, Air etc.)


1- ATM

2- POS


OLTP is typified by a small number of rows (or records) or a few of many possible tables being accessed in a matter of seconds or less. Very little I/O

processing is required to complete the transaction. For eg.

1. This type of transaction takes place when we take out money at an ATM. Once our card is validated, a debit transaction takes place against our current

balance to reflect the amount of cash withdrawn.

2. This type of transaction also takes place when we deposit money into a checking account and the balance gets updated.

We expect these transactions to be performed quickly. They must occur in real time.


4⟩ What is the difference between Multiload and Fastload interms of Performance?

If you want to load, empty table then you use the fastload, so it will very usefull than the mutiload..because fastload performs the loading of the data in

2phase..and it noneed a work table for loading the data.., so it is faster as well as it follows the below steps to load the data in the table

Phase1-It moves all the records to all the AMP first without any hashing

Phase2-After giving endloading command, Amp will hashes the record and send it to the appropriate AMPS .


It does the loading in the 5 phases

Phase1:It will get the import file and checks the script

Phase2:It reads the record from the base table and store in the work table

Phase3:In this Application phase it locks the table header

Phase4:In the DML opreation will done in the tables

Phase 5: In this table locks will be released and work tables will be dropped.


6⟩ What is cliques? What is Vdisk and how it will communicate with physical data storage at the time of data retrieval through AMP?

A clique is a set of Teradata nodes that share a common set of disk arrays. Cabling a subset of nodes to the same disk arrays creates a clique.

Each AMP vproc must have access to an array controller, which in turn accesses the physical disks. AMP vprocs are associated with one or more ranks

(or mirrored pairs) of data. The total disk space associated with an AMP is called a vdisk. A vdisk may have up to three ranks. Hence Vdisk will communicate

with physical storage through array controllers.


7⟩ What is basic teradata query language?

BTEQ(Basic teradata query)

It allows us to write SQL statements along with BTEQ commands. We can use BTEQ for importing,exporting and reporting purposes.

The commands start with a (.) dot and can be terminated by using (;), it is not mandatory to use (;). SQL statements doesnt start with a dot , but (;) is

compulsary to terminate the SQL statement.

BTEQ will assume any thing written with out a dot as a sql statement and requires a (;) to terminate it.


8⟩ What the default privileges which get assigned ?

The GRANT option for any particular table depends on the privilages of the user. If it is an admin user you can grant privilages at any point of time.

The deafult roles associated with the newly created tables depend on he schema in which they are created.


9⟩ What are the enhanced features in Teradata V2R5 and V2R6?

V2R6 included the feature of replica in it.in which copy of data base are available on another system.meam V2R6 provide the additional data protaction as

comprison to V2R5 while if data from one system has been vanishes.

After creating tables dynamically in the Teardata, where is the GRANT table option usually done ? When tables are newly created, what is the default role and


10⟩ What is explain and how does it work?

The EXPLAIN facility is a teradata extension that provides you with an "ENGLISH" translation of the steps choosen by the optimizer to execute an SQL

statement.It may be used oin any valid teradata database with a preface called "EXPLAIN".

The following is an example:-

EXPLAIN select last_name,first_name FROM employees;

The EXPLAIN parses the SQL statement but does not execute it.

This provides the designer with an "execution stratergy".

The execution stratergy provides what an optimizer does but not why it choses them.

The EXPLAIN facility is used to analyze all joins and complex queries.


12⟩ What is the difference between Global temporary tables and Volatile temporary tables?

Global Temporary tables (GTT) -

1. When they are created, its definition goes into Data Dictionary.

2. When materialized data goes in temp space.

3. thats why, data is active upto the session ends, and definition will remain there upto its not dropped using Drop table statement.

If dropped from some other session then its should be Drop table all;

4. you can collect stats on GTT.

Volatile Temporary tables (VTT) -

1. Table Definition is stored in System cache

2. Data is stored in spool space.

3. thats why, data and table definition both are active only upto session ends.

4. No collect stats for VTT.


14⟩ What is Group by in Select statement?

Group by clause is used in Teradata to remove repetitive values in a column or group of columns, when we select result of a particular query. And it represent it as single entity.


16⟩ Can we have an unconnected lkp to lookup a DB2 record against a Teradata record? doesnt seem to work. I could be wrong.

Yes we can but some times we need to check the value which lookup is returning like it happens in teradata if we are having lookup on varchar column and record is coming from source system it never works because when informatica creates cache from there it adds space to the values.so we always have to use ltrim(rtrim)) function in lookup query.


17⟩ What is the difference between start schma and Fsldm?

FSLDM --> Financial Services Logical Data Model (Teradata FS-LDM 7.0) its developed by Teradata for the financial sectors (Speciafially for Bank). it can be customised based on the user requirement.

StarSchma --> Its a relational database schema for representing multidimensional data. The data is stored in a central fact table, with one or more tables holding information on each dimension.

So both are entirely different.......


18⟩ What is stored procedure in Teradata?

A stored procedure is a group of SQL statements that form a logical unit and perform a particular task. Stored procedures are used to encapsulate a set of operations or queries to execute on a database server. For example, operations on an employee database (hire, fire, promote, lookup) could be coded as stored procedures executed by application code. Stored procedures can be compiled and executed with different parameters and results, and they may have any combination of input, output, and input/output parameters.