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“Debugging frequently Asked Questions in various Debugging job Interviews by interviewer. Get preparation of Debugging job interview”

7 Debugging Questions And Answers

2⟩ Explain What is high debugging?

it is helped to recure the bugs. a program has problem that

time this debugging is helped to solve the bugs is easily,

this is the method of the recure bugs in the programming



3⟩ Explain What is BDM, and what is its use?

Background Debug Mode (BDM) interface is an electronic

interface that allows debugging of embedded systems.

Specifically, it provides in-circuit debugging

functionality in microcontrollers. It requires a single wire

and specialized electronics in the system being debugged. It

appears in many Freescale Semiconductor products.


5⟩ How to debug EJB in JBoss (WebLogic or other J2EE application server) using IDE?

1) Start the container JVM with remote debugging enabled


2) Attache the IDE debugger to the container JVM using the

info you configured in step #1 (host/port or shared memory

context name)

3) Set a breakpoints in the implementation of the EJB of


4) Exercise the application to get control to pass the

breakpoint location

5) You're home!


6⟩ What is CTC abbreviation?

Current Total Compensation


CTC stands for COST TO COMPANY.CTC is the Salary which is

the gross pre-tax salary inclusive of all components

(monthly, annual, retiral and deferred payments).


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