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“Biochemistry Interview Question will guide you now that Biochemistry sometimes called biological chemistry, is the study of chemical processes in living organisms, including, but not limited to, living matter. Biochemistry governs all living organisms and living processes. By controlling information flow through biochemical signalling and the flow of chemical energy through metabolism.”

22 Biochemistry Questions And Answers

2⟩ Explain heat of Combustion?

The amount of heat liberated when one mole of any substance is completely burnt in oxygen is called heat of combustion H is negative for heat of combustion.


3⟩ Explain What is the primary structure of a protein? What is the importance of the primary structure?

The primary protein structure is the linear sequence of amino acids that form the molecule.

The primary structure is the basis of the protein identity. Modification of only one amino acid of the primary structure creates a different protein. This different protein can be inactive or even can have other biological function.

Protein Structure Review - Image Diversity: protein primary structure


8⟩ Explain What are similarities and differences between the transcription process and the replication processes?

A DNA polynucleotide chain serves as template in replication (DNA duplication) as well in transcription (RNA formation). In both processes, the pairing of the two-polynucleotide chains of the original DNA molecule is broken by the breaking of hydrogen bonds for the chains to be exposed as templates. The reaction is catalyzed by specific enzymes in transcription and in replication.

In replication, the enzyme DNA polymerase catalyzes the formation of a new polynucleotide chain using free nucleotides in solution and putting them in the new chain according to the DNA template exposed and to the rule A-T, C-G. In transcription, the enzyme RNApolymerase makes a new polynucletide chain according to the DNA template exposed obeying, however, the rule A-U, C-G.

In replication, the original template DNA chain is kept bound by hydrogen bonds to the newly formed DNA chain and a new DNA molecule is then created. In transcription the association between the template DNA chain and the newly formed RNA is undid and RNA constituted of only one polynucleotide chain is liberated.


10⟩ What is the rule for the pairing of nitrogen-containing bases in the DNA molecule and in the RNA? Is this last question appropriate?

The rule for the pairing of nitrogen-containing bases of the polynucleotide chains that form the DNA molecule is pyrimidine base binds to purine base, under the condition that thymine (T) binds to adenine (A), and cytosine (C) binds to guanine (G).

In RNA, there is no binding between nitrogen-containing bases. That is because RNA is formed of only one polynucleotide chain; differently, DNA is formed of two chains. It is not correct so to question about base pairing in RNA.


13⟩ What is lattice energy?

The energy released when one mole of ionic crystal is formed by the combination of the corresponding gaseous (+ve) and (-ve) ions brought from infinite distance is called lattice energy.


15⟩ Explain What is the name of the DNA duplication process? What is the main enzyme that participates in it?

The process of copying, or duplication, of the DNA molecule is called replication. The enzyme that participates in the formation of a new DNA chain is the DNA polymerase. There are also other important enzymes in the replication process, the helicase, the gyrase and the ligase.

Nucleic Acid Review - Image Diversity: DNA replication


16⟩ Explain kararch effect?

In the addition of the hydrogen, halide to unsaturated alkenes in the presence of peroxides the halide adds to the carbon atom linked to more number of hydrogen atoms and hydrogen adds to the carbon atom linked to lesser number of hydrogen atoms. This is called Peroxide effect (or) Kharasch effect.



18⟩ Concerning their biological function what is the difference between RNA and DNA?

DNA is the source of information for RNA production (transcription) and thus for protein synthesis. DNA is still the basis of heredity due to its replication capability.

The messenger RNA is the template for protein synthesis (translation). In this process, tRNA and rRNA also participate since the first carries amino acids for the polypeptide chain formation and the second is a structural constituent of ribosomes (the organelles where proteins are made).