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“System Analysis frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in System Analyst. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job test and quickly revise the concepts”

55 System Analyst Questions And Answers

4⟩ Which of the following statements, is (are) not true for the lease option A. Lease charges are lower than rental charges for the same period and are also tax deductable. B. Lease may be written to show higher payments is early years to reflect the decline in value of the system C. Insurance, maintenance and other expenses are included in the rental charge D. All of the above E. None of the above

C. Insurance, maintenance and other expenses are included in the rental charge


10⟩ The approach used in top-down analysis and design is A. to identify the top level functions by combining many smaller components into a single entity B. to prepare flow charts after programming has been completed C. to identify a top level function an d then create a hierarchy of lower-level modules and components. D. All of the above

C. to identify a top level function an d then create a hierarchy of lower-level modules and components.