Physical Education

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“Physical Education Frequently Asked Questions in various Physical Education job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview”

40 Physical Education Questions And Answers

1⟩ Tell us how do you provide for individual differences in your class?

I would provide individual differences for students by using intratask variation. I will provide options for students at a variety of difficulties for every skill in order to reach students regardless of their current level of development.

Depending on the skill or activity, I could also use teaching by invitation in order to let students decide on the parameters of different activities in order to best match their own skills and abilities.


2⟩ Tell me do you have any ideas on how we might promote our PE program in the community?

While at the Intermediate School I created a pamphlet for parents in the School District as part of an assignment for my Penn State Student Teaching experience. I created a pamphlet that introduced myself, introduce what units the students are performing at the school, explain the importance of physical education and provide opportunities in the community for adults and children to be active in the community.

I could also create a webpage that includes updates on student's performance and what students are performing in class.


3⟩ Please explain what are the components of a quality physical education program? How do you prioritize these components, along with giving justification for your choices?

Well planned curriculum and lesson plans based on state and national standards, student centered lesson plans, content that is age appropriate, an education that is as individualized as possible, student assessment that is appropriate, maximal participation time for students, inclusion of all students within the lesson, inclusion of technology to benefit the lesson, cross-curricular connections


5⟩ Explain me what would you say are the three major goals of a physical education program?

Of course I think every PE program has multiple goals, but the major ones should be teaching about health and fitness, teaching about collaboration and cooperation, and getting kids moving as much as possible. I want kids to come away from my classes with a good understanding of why it matters to take care of their bodies as well as their minds. I want them to understand why working together can be just as important as competing. Finally, I want kids to spend as much of my class as possible moving and exercising.


6⟩ Tell us when delegating a recent duty, please describe how you showed your confidence in the person's ability to do the job?

Discuss your method of assigning responsibility to the best candidates. How you communicate with employees to make them understand what is expected of them and how you make sure that the employees have the resources needed to carry out specific tasks. You should also chip in your follow-up procedures.


7⟩ Tell me are there any other things you would like to share with us that will help us to understand you and your teaching philosophy better?

I have a passion for teaching and working with children. Teaching students is incredibly rewarding and something I greatly look forward to providing to my future students. Physical activity in today's society is needed now more than ever and encouraging young students to be active and establishing the foundation for a healthy and active life is a challenge that I look foward to meeting.


8⟩ As you know many of our teachers and parents don't think learning occurs in PE. Convince us that this happens and how you can demonstrate that learning will occur in your PE Class?

Physical education is not the same as recess. Students have skills and abilities that they learn and are assessed on in physical education. As a teacher, I design lesson plan based on State and National Standards aimed at demonstrating the learning taking place in lessons. Aspects of a unit in physical education such as a pre and post test help to exhibit the skills that students learn. Just like any classroom subject (such as math for example) students may enter the addition unit of a math class not knowing how to add numbers together. After learning how to add numbers, students take a post test in which students can show their level of understanding. The same is true for physical education. Students may come into a basketball unit with little to no understanding on how to dribble a basketball. By the end of the unit, students are assessed on their dribbling ability and are able to show their level of understanding through their performance of the skill.


10⟩ Tell us why did you decide you were interested in becoming a PE teacher?

Being a PE teacher helps me work on both of my major passions at once: health and education. I have always loved to exercise, and I've always been really interested in fitness. At the same time, I love spending time with children and helping them learn new things. As a PE teacher, I get to help inspire kids to take care of their bodies, enjoy movement, and learn sports and games. I get to spend my days moving and helping others at the same time.


11⟩ Explain me in addition to the PE position, we will have a ________ coaching position open. Would you be interested in this?

I have experience coaching a swim team as well as the girls lacrosse team here at Mifflin and would be opening to other coaching opportunities should they present themselves.

I was the assistant coach at Bellefonte High School for their swim team, which went on to become District 6 champions for the men's team.

I've also been fortunate enough to work with Mrs. Allen here at the High School with the girls lacrosse team and primarily worked with the JV team to improve their skills and abilities to compete for a position on the varsity team. We've been fortunate to have one of the greatest seasons in the history of the lacrosse program (or so I've been told!) and I've really enjoyed working with the girls on the team.


12⟩ Tell me what tasks do you find most difficult as a teacher?

One of the most difficult aspects of teaching is creating lesson plans that are capable of allowing all students to develop their skills and abilities and be successful despite the variety of ability levels that I will find in my future classes.


13⟩ Tell me me some examples of ways you feel that collaborative efforts between you and the classroom teachers could be achieved?

While at the Intermediate School during student teaching I was able to create a fitness lesson plan that integrated knowledge students had of the geographic locations of states around the United States. Similar to the TV Show "The Amazing Race" students would travel from state to state performing exercises at each state (states were set up as they would be on a map throughout the gymnasium)


14⟩ Explain me our state is putting pressure on us to integrate technology into our curriculum. How can this be done in PE?

At the high school during student teaching with Mr. ABC, I was able to incorporate technology through the video analysis of his strength and conditioning class. Using the app "Hudl Technique" I was able to use video analysis to provide feedback to students on their lifting technique. I could slow down video and draw to illustrate the proper technique while verbally describing how to perform each lift. This way students can hear the description for the proper technique while simultaneously seeing a visual to further describe each lift. On my ePortfolio website, I have this illustrated under the teaching tab.


15⟩ Tell us why should we hire you as Physical education teacher position?

This is a very common question that is asked in almost every interview. I love this question because it gives you the opportunity to sell yourself. Discuss what makes you standout from the crowd and show them how you can help advance their company. Remember to be specific. This is where all the company research you have done comes into play. You should have an idea as to why the company is hiring or looking to hire someone for that position. What problem do they have that they are looking for people to help them solve? And once you can establish this, you are to show them how you can solve this problem for them.


16⟩ Explain me what are the top 3 goals of your physical education program?

☛ 1) Students take the skills and abilities learned in physical education class and apply it outside of school and throughout their lives

☛ 2) Students are moderate to physically active at least 50% of the class period

☛ 3) I want to create a positive and encouraging learning environment in which collaboration is emphasized rather than competition and students are able to see and experience success through valid and reliable assessment.


17⟩ Explain me what do you need to work on the most as a PE teacher?

One aspect that I would like to improve on would be my ability to make a class more individualized for students. My goal is for all of my students to take what they have learned in PE class and apply it in their own lives outside of school. I always want to reach as many students as possible individually so that students leave the Elementary School with a foundation of skills and abilities that will benefit them for the rest of their lives.


18⟩ Tell us how do you handle discipline problems? What are your classroom management strategies? What do you do to minimize discipline problems?

When it comes to discipline of the students, I prefer to get to know the students and form a relationship with all of my students. By developing a relationship and establishing a rapport with the student(s), I can talk to the student about an issue in the event that there is a disciplinary issue. I prefer to reward students for good behavior rather than only punishing those who misbehave. I like to try to get to the bottom of what may be causing the issue rather than just giving the student a punishment. For example, if a student begins arguing with another student during class, I can begin the activity for the rest of the class and call each of the students over individually and talk to them. I would ask them if they are doing ok or if they are having a bad day, and if so I would address the issue that is bothering them or have the school counselor come in if the issue is serious enough. I would emphasize and encourage them to make good decisions about their behavior and being positive with one another. I would make sure that they are aware that I believe that they are not a "bad kid" and I believe in them and think they can make good decisions. By focusing on cooperation in class rather than competition, this can help strengthen the bonds of classmates and result in students being able to bettter work together in the future.


19⟩ Tell us why do you want to work for us as Physical education teacher position?

Here, they just want to know how motivated you are about the position or if you are just there for the pay. They want to ascertain that you would form an important part of the company. You have to show them that you are willing to be part of the company and would do all you can to ensure you and the company grows together.


20⟩ Explain me what kind of "new PE" do you plan on bringing to our District?

I would like to introduce a new type of physical education that increases the amount of technology available to students in order to improve their overall learning experience. Technology is a great way for me to save time as a teacher to further student activity time or create the ability to provide feedback to students on their performance.