⟩ List some tips should follow in long and short term career goals answer?
★ Your short and long term goals should be related.
★ Showing that you might commit to the company long term is a plus.
★ Don't suck up.
★ Your short and long term goals should be related.
★ Showing that you might commit to the company long term is a plus.
★ Don't suck up.
Describe yourself as resilient? If so, please give some recent examples?
Give me an example when you spoke out about something you didn’t feel was right?
What are your long-term goals?
Give me an example when you had to face and overcome strong opposition against you in a meeting?
Would you describe yourself as resilient? If so, please give some recent examples?
Described your long-term goals are making toward company?
How do you prioritize your work? Give us an example?
Suppose if you could change one thing about your personality, what would it be, and why?
Tell me what interests you have most about this position?
Tell me what books/magazines do you read?