
Question and Answer:

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⟩ There were 2 doors. one lead to heaven and other to hell there were two doorkeepers one outside each door. one told lie and other spoke truth. what will be one question that czn be asked to both of them so that one comes to know that which door leads to heaven?

We should ask one of them

"What should other man tell if i ask which is the door to heaven?"

Go through the door which he hasn't said


Let two door be A and B

Assume A is the door to heven

Case 1:

Question asked to the lier

The other man always tell the truth so he pick A.But the lier will say B

Case 2:

Question asked to the man who tells truth

The lier will pick B.And the true man tell the truth.

So both will pick B.So go through A the other door

"Question not upto the standard put some complicated one"


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