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⟩ Adobe C Interview Questions

1. find the nth node from end in a linked list in single parse

2. wap to check if the tree is BST

3. prove A+BC =(A+B)(A+C)

4. (A023AC5B)-(129B5321) to the base 13

5. prove that no of leaf nodes in any binary tree is one more than the no of nodes with degree 2

6. write a prog in assembly lang 2 calculate sum of first n natural nos

7. print values in an array with recurring digits

eg a[10]={3,2,5,4,3,4,6,12,4,12,6}

the prog should print {3,3,5,4,4,6,6,12,12}

chk the sequence

8. write prefix and postfix notation

9. insert a node in a sorted linked list.

10. draw dfa for b* + b*a(ba)*

11. simplify a boolean expression

~a(a+b) -(b+a)(a+~b)


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