
Question and Answer:

  Home  Problem Solving Skills

⟩ Tell me about the initiative roles in problem solving?

Use initiative to act on opportunities. Become a leader before other people view you as one. Healthy organisations reward those who take the lead, not just those with formal management roles:

☛ Take responsibility for own objectives, set priorities.

☛ Display a can do attitude even in demanding situations. Try to solve problems, rather than to pass them on to other people.

☛ Go the extra mile when asked to do tasks. Go beyond your job description. Do work that gets you noticed.

☛ Show enthusiasm: this will be noticed and you will eventually be rewarded.

☛ Take ownership of problems: anticipate potential problems, take emotive action and act quickly to resolve problems.

☛ Introduce improvements to the way things are done.

☛ Develop innovative practices. Value innovative thinking.

☛ Learn new skills that will enhance capability.


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