⟩ Substitute digits for the letters to make the following Division true O U T ------------- S T E M | D E M I S E | D M O C ------------- T U I S S T E M ---------- Z Z Z E Z U M M -------- I S T Note that the leftmost letter cant be zero in any word. Also, there must be a one-to-one mapping between digits and letters. e.g. if you substitute 3 for the letter M, no other letter can be 3 and all other M in the puzzle must be 3?
C=0, U=1, S=2, T=3, O=4, M=5, I=6, Z=7, E=8, D=9
It is obvious that U=1 (as U*STEM=STEM) and C=0 (as I-C=I).
S*O is a single digit and also S*T is a single digit. Hence, their values (O, S, T) must be 2, 3 or 4 (as they can not be 0 or 1 or greater than 4).
Consider, STEM*O=DMOC, where C=0. It means that M must be 5. Now, its simple. O=4, S=2, T=3, E=8, Z=7, I=6 and D=9.
O U T 4 1 3
------------- -------------
S T E M | D E M I S E 2 3 8 5 | 9 8 5 6 2 8
| D M O C | 9 5 4 0
------------- -------------
T U I S 3 1 6 2
S T E M 2 3 8 5
---------- ----------
Z Z Z E 7 7 7 8
Z U M M 7 1 5 5
-------- --------
I S T 6 2 3
Also, when arranged from 0 to 9, it spells CUSTOMIZED.