⟩ A NUMBER SERIES IS GIVEN AS 1 22 4444 88888888 .....THEN WHAT IS THE 1026th NUMBER?
1026th digit of the expression 1224444....will be "2".
1026th digit of the expression 1224444....will be "2".
How would you configure your audio settings in skype?
Which devices can you use Skype on?
What steps would you take for better quality calls in skype?
How would you get enough light in the room and on your face for better quality?
What would be the reason if you can not connect to Skype?
How does Skype earn money?
How would you configure your video settings?
Does the person you are calling need the Translator version of Skype too?
What languages does a skype translator support?
How would you pick a quiet and comfortable space for a better quality in skype?