
Question and Answer:

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⟩ How's your experience working with peers? How did it go? Have you ever faced difficulties and disagreements?

Team members often feud even though they're required to act professionally and work together. Some team members have professional disagreements, while others have conflicting personalities. If you've feuded with a colleague in the past, whether professionally or personally, be honest with the interviewer and explain in detail the situation. The following is an example of an effective answer.

I feuded with a colleague while I worked at (identify organization) as a (identify position). Even though we disagreed about (identify conflict), I worked with my colleague to resolve the problem. To do so, I communicated openly with him or her and agreed to compromise and modify my behavior. The most effective way to resolve a problem is through open communication. While discussing the problem with my colleague, I respected his or her perspective and listened attentively.


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