⟩ Tell me how many amino acid makes one protein?
To make one protein you require 21 amino acid.
To make one protein you require 21 amino acid.
Tell me what is ‘R’ in amino acid?
Tell me what are the different structures or shapes of protein?
Most highly intelligent mammals are A. whales B. dolphins C. elephants D. kangaroos
out of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates present in a cell membrane, what is true? A. Lipids are maximum B. Carbohydrates are minimum C. Carbohydrates are maximum D. All three are in equal proportion
Myopia is connected with A. ears B. eyes C. lungs D. None of these
Tell us what are the types of nerves you find in the foot?
For the patient, who have allergic sensitivity, would you recommend NSAID (Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory) drugs like Nimesulide?
Tell me what is the difference between hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism?
Explain the biggest Challenges of Medical School?
Do you know what is HPLC?