⟩ Tell me what do you like most about medicine?
☛ Plenty of opportunities upon graduating
☛ You will directly involve in helping people
☛ People continue to learn and grow
☛ Making a positive contribution towards community and society
☛ Plenty of opportunities upon graduating
☛ You will directly involve in helping people
☛ People continue to learn and grow
☛ Making a positive contribution towards community and society
Photosynthesis generally takes place in which parts of the plant? A. Leaf and other chloroplast bearing parts B. stem and leaf C. Roots and chloroplast bearing parts D. Bark and leaf
Tell me what is Interleukin 6?
O2 released in the process of photosynthesis comes from A. CO2 B. water C. sugar D. pyruvic acid
Tell me what are the common misconceptions about medical school and becoming a doctor?
Primary phloem develops from A. lateral meristem B. protoderm C. extrastelar cambium D. provascular tissue
Photosynthesis takes place faster in A. yellow light B. white light C. red light D. darkness
Tell me how ECG (Electro Cardio Gram) nodes are represented?
Photo-oxidation is A. photorespiration B. photolysis C. light and oxygen induced breakdown D. All of the above
Other than spreading malaria, anopheles mosquitoes are also vectors of A. dengue fever B. filariasis C. encephalitis D. yellow fever
Do you know what are the treatments for blocked airways by lung tumor?