
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Basic Forensic Biology Job Interview Questions

☛ Are you a patient person? When have you displayed patience in the workplace?

☛ Have you ever been the main lead in a case?

☛ What do you like least about being a Forensic Science Technician?

☛ What is the most difficult part of being a Forensic Science Technician?

☛ What made you choose to become a Forensic Science Technician?

☛ Sometimes long reports need to be summarized. Are you able to summarize a very long report in a clear and concise way?

☛ Do you have strong documentation and report writing skills?

☛ Why do you feel that your job is so important?

☛ While attending university/college, what was your most challenging subject and why?

☛ While attending university/college, what was your favorite subject and why?

☛ A lot of people can misunderstand forensic science facts from hollywood movies and tv shows. Which, in your opinion, is the most absurd portrayal you have seen on tv so far?

☛ Do you have an area of expertise within forensic science? (Ie: fingerprinting, biochemistry, or handwriting analysis.)

☛ If you could specialize in any area of forensics, which would you choose?

☛ Have you ever written a report or study as a SME (subject matter expert)? If so, what was the subject and whom was the report for?

☛ Do you have a criminal record and/or is there anything in your history that would be important for us to know?

☛ If you could choose, would you rather work in a lab or on a crime scene?

☛ Have you ever had to reconstruct a crime scene? Did you find it helpful?

☛ Are you comfortable with calling in specialized experts, and can you recognize when they may be required? (Ie: doctors, chemists, etc)

☛ As a forensics scientist you will come across disturbing crime scenes and data. Do you have strong command over your emotions?

☛ Do you have strong verbal communication skills?

☛ Tell me about your post-secondary education. Did you begin university/college knowing that you wanted a career in forensic science?

☛ How do you stay up to date with new trends and discoveries in forensic science?

☛ What do you like most about being a Forensic Science Technician?

☛ In what ways are you trying to improve yourself as a forensic science technician?

☛ Tell me how you go about delegating work.

☛ What would your current coworkers say about you?

☛ How do your soft skills help you to be a successful forensic science technician?

☛ Have you ever had to juggle two or more projects at the same time?

☛ How would you define success as a forensic science technician?

☛ Are you a detail oriented person?

☛ Are there any type of job duties that would disgust you and inhibit your performance?

☛ Tell me about a time when you contaminated or ruined evidence by accident. What happened and what did you learn from your mistake?

☛ How do you keep up on the latest tools and technology in forensic science?

☛ Your schedule as a forensic science technician can be sporadic at times. Are you available to work overtime, evenings, weekends, and holidays - even if it is short notice?

☛ Are you comfortable testifying in court? Have you ever had to testify in court?

☛ If you weren't in forensic science, what career would you choose?

☛ How do you prioritize your day to day activities?

☛ What 3 positive things would your most recent supervisor say about you?

☛ Have you ever lost control of your emotions on a crime scene?


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