⟩ Explain me what was it about this job description that caught your eye?
Early in an interview I like to to ask, *“What was it about this job description that caught your eye?”* (Suitable for most jobs and levels of experience) You quickly learn whether candidates are focused on this particular job at this organization or if they are desperately trying to find any work.
A good response connects a personal passion to the job’s primary responsibilities. An answer that demonstrates admiration for the organization’s mission or reflects some prior research makes a good impression, too. A generic or vague response may indicate a lack of initiative, creativity or passion.
*“Tell me about a favorite boss you’ve had in the past.”* As a manager this question helps me understand what kind of backing candidates need in order to shine. It also sheds light on their level of independence and their favorite work environments. A bad response, and this happens all too frequently, is a sigh followed by complaints about a previous boss. A better response is a personal success story tied to the support of a supervisor.