⟩ Tell us as far as preliminary education is concerned, how to you handle your wards?
I employ a school-readiness program for children not yet of school going age. Teaching them language and numbers using appropriate preschool methods is my feat.
I employ a school-readiness program for children not yet of school going age. Teaching them language and numbers using appropriate preschool methods is my feat.
Please explain why do you want to work with us?
Tell me so how did you handle the situation?
Explain how do you handle child care? What is your mantra?
Tell me what is your background with children?
Tell me what are your skills in special education?
Explain what do you expect that you will be doing as a child care aide at our organization?
Tell me what made you decide that you wanted to work as a foster care worker?
Explain would you apply the same principles in bringing up your wards, as you were subjected to?
Operational and Situational Child Attendant Job Interview Questions
Can you describe what you think a care worker does and what type of people or groups you might work with?