⟩ Tell me besides cost-reduction, how would you go about raising our profits?
Cost reduction is more of an operations perspective. Give the candidate the opportunity to give reasonable measures to increase profits from the sales side.
Cost reduction is more of an operations perspective. Give the candidate the opportunity to give reasonable measures to increase profits from the sales side.
Explain how have you handled difficult stakeholders?
Do you know What is the ATH decision, and what is it used for?
Explain What value is our stock trading at? Trading volume compared to bulge bracket firms?
Explain How often have you found that the S & P rating was totally wrong?
What is become clear to me over the three years I have been using this approach is that there are aspects of both art and science inside. Do you agree?
Can you explain What are the most important qualities for an investment banking career?
Tell me Why is game theory useful in developing competitive strategy?
Explain What was the most challenging situation (with clients) that you faced during the stock market falls?
Explain Which of the following explanations best defines the meaning of hyper-competitive strategies?
Explain Lock-in, as described by Hax and Wilde, is achieved when?► A) An organization achieves a proprietary position in its industry.► B) Customers are tied into long-term contracts.► C) An industry is dominated by a major player.► D) Customer preferences are recorded in a CRM database.