⟩ Tell me what do you think is the manager’s role in closing deals?
This will vary from company to company, and person to person. But by now, your company no doubt has its model for the manager. See if there is any contradiction.
This will vary from company to company, and person to person. But by now, your company no doubt has its model for the manager. See if there is any contradiction.
Explain How might an organization sustain and win a price war?► A) By having a lower cost structure► B) By cross-subsidizing one business from another► C) By having "deeper pockets" to fund short to medium term losses► D) All of the above
How to secure investments? Describe daily flow of work?
What is your business most sensitive to?
How do you define your target market?
How well do you know your competitors in business investment?
Tell me about your sales and distributions structure?
What type of investments are available to the average person?
What have you already accomplished in business investment?
What is your competitive advantage in business investment?
What evidence can you provide of prior business success?