⟩ What is the earliest coin of India?
1. Mauryan Coins
2. Punch Marked Coins of Janapadas
3. Bent Bar coins of Gandhara
1. Mauryan Coins
2. Punch Marked Coins of Janapadas
3. Bent Bar coins of Gandhara
By which king successful completed Qutub minar?1. Mohd. bin Tughlaq 2. Feroz shah khan 3. Illutumish 4. None?
Where is first Muncipal Corp. of India?
Who was the fist prime minister in india?
Find the greatest number of five digits which when divided by 3,5,8,12 have 2 as reminder?
What would be 50% of 10% of 25% of 40% of 60% of 2000?
Multiply all the integers from -4 to +4. The product obtained is?
sanjay Aggarwal is the new chief executive officer of?
what is the prob. of two friends having birthdays in same month?
Barak Hussain Obama belongs to which politician parties?
ram bought a rectangle plot of 144 m long and 49 m wide.in exchange of this plot he wanted to buy a square field of the same area.find the length of the side of the square?