⟩ Tell me how many millilitre is equal to 1 litre and how many microliter is equal to litre?
1 millilitre = 0.0001 litre
1 microliter = 0.0000001 litre
1 millilitre = 0.0001 litre
1 microliter = 0.0000001 litre
Tell me what is buffer?
Tell me how can plutonium harm you?
Tell me what is Avogadro’s law?
What is hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity?
Tell us was Chernobyl as bad as it could get?
Do you know the term Aliquot and Diluent?
Tell me what is plutonium? Is it a metal like uranium?
Tell me what makes a molecule into organic molecule?
Tell me what is plutonium? Does it occur naturally?
Tell me what is the special property it has?