⟩ How to make a 100ml solution with given 10gm of naoh?
Take 100ml water and pore 10gr NaOH
pellets sterr with gently boil. NaOH sol ready
Take 100ml water and pore 10gr NaOH
pellets sterr with gently boil. NaOH sol ready
Why silica absorb in mix bed resins in D M plant?
As per X-ray Fluorescence theory, when material particle is irradiated with X-ray the electron of innermost orbital of that element atom is exited and emits outside of the atom as photoelecrons, living behind a hole in innermost orbital . This hole is filled by outer orbital electrons. The question is that finely what happens to that photo electon which is emitted outside of the atom?
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What is Suns Open Network Computing Architecture?
What is IBMs System Application Architecture?
How to connect 2 Domain controller using AD sites? What are the requirements?
Can we execute Truncate from inside a procedure?
What is client server architecture and is it always two tire architecture?
In the Client Server APIs what all changes you find in Symbian7.0s to symbain 9.x?
What is 3 tier, 2 tier and n tier client server architecture?