
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Please explain when you had to use your judgment to make a difficult decision in your job?

Judgement is the ability to look at all the relevant information and consider the best alternatives. Once you have come up with the right alternative it is key to commit to it and take action.

"I had delegated an important task to a senior employee who was confident that he would complete it by a tight deadline. I noticed that he was spending time on other work and I was concerned about meeting the deadline.

I consulted with him and asked for a progress update. He told me he had completed the majority of the assignment and would show me his work the next day. I felt that this was not accurate feedback and asked him to provide me with what he had done to date. He said I should trust him to get it done.

I had to make a judgment call and I insisted on seeing actual evidence of the task. He became defensive and I decided to take the project over immediately, suggesting we work on it together.

He felt I didn't given him the credibility I should have but it was a key assignment and we had to meet the deadline. Organizational objectives were more important in this instance than his feelings and the project was completed as required"


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