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⟩ How are tag positions used in JavaScript?

► The tag can be inserted in a document wherever there is a requirement for a tag to be put. Nested tags are also possible within a <HEAD>...</HEAD> tag. There are many other ways to use the tag like inside <BODY>...</BODY> section.

► The tags can be placed inside <SCRIPT> tag also. The position of a particular tag is not fixed and it can be placed anywhere in the HTML document. Head is a used to place the tags that consists of noncontent settings.

► The example will show the position of <SCRIPT> tag :



<TITLE>Tag position</TITLE>

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Text/JavaScript">

// your script statement(s) here






► This uses the <SCRIPT> tag inside the HEAD section.

► There is one more code that will show the positon of <SCRIPT> in body section and it is as :



<TITLE>Tag position</TITLE>



<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Text/JavaScript">

// your script statement(s) here





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