⟩ What is JSF (Java Server Faces)?
- It is used for server side implementation
- It is used as a standardization of Java side implementation on server side.
- It is used for server side implementation
- It is used as a standardization of Java side implementation on server side.
Explain what is use of Ext.onReady() function?
Suppose to show our message when any paragraph in our test page is clicked, what is the extjs code on paragraph click?
What is a widget?
Tell me what is method to Update the message box body text for MessageBox?
Please write syntax for MessageBox show() method?
Do you know what is purpose of MessageBox?
Explain the css file required to apply Extjs Theme property?
Explain the extjs library files to include in JSP page?
Tell me what is parent class for all stores in extjs? how many stores exists?
Explain how to handle exception while loading datastore?