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⟩ How to how many types of layout managers exist in extjs?what are they?

Layouts fall under this package Ext.layout.*

Types of layouts:

Absolute Layout:

This is a simple layout style that allows you to position items within a container using CSS-style absolute positioning via XY coordinates.

Accordion Layout:

Displays one panel at a time in a stacked layout. No special config properties are required other than the layout.

All panels added to the container will be converted to accordion panels.


This type of layout is most commonly seen within FormPanels (or any container with a FormLayout) where fields are sized relative to the container without hard-coding their dimensions.


Border layouts can be nested with just about any level of complexity that you might need.

Every border layout must at least have a center region. All other regions are optional.

CardLayout (TabPanel):

The TabPanel component is an excellent example of a sophisticated card layout. Each tab is just a panel managed by the card layout such that only one is visible at a time

CardLayout (Wizard):

You can use a CardLayout to create your own custom wizard-style screen.


A very simple layout that simply fills the container with a single panel.


FormLayout has specific logic to deal with form fields, labels, etc.FormLayout in a standard panel,


This is a useful layout style when you need multiple columns that can have varying content height.Any fixed-width column widths are calculated first, then any percentage-width columns specified using the columnWidth config


Outputs a standard HTML table as the layout want to allow the contents to flow naturally based on standard browser table layout rules.


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