⟩ Can you explain Does Edge Animate support HTML5 tags like canvas, video or audio?
No Edge Animate does not support content creation with canvas, video or audio, but it can work with HTML that contains these tags.
No Edge Animate does not support content creation with canvas, video or audio, but it can work with HTML that contains these tags.
Can you explain why is Edge Animate free?
How to create interactive content with Edge Animate?
Is Adobe Edge Animation make changes to the HTML of our web pages?
What types of graphics files support by Edge Animate to import?
How to edit code outside of Adobe Edge Animation?
How to edit code in Edge Animate?
Can some organizations block Flash movies from being received through the Internet?
Who can Create Flash Movies?
Explain the Flash vs. Animated Images and Java Applets?
If We set slow sync as you suggest in answers on the many online forums you visit, would not we be opening ourselves up to blurred shots when the shutter speed gets significantly below 1/60?