
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Top 25 questions to ask your Car Washer vendor

1. Tell me about your business? How many years in business? Who are the principles? What is their experience in the car wash industry? Do they own and operate car washes, if so how many and what kind? Why did they make the decision (to/not) be in this business? What and how do I benefit from their decision?

2. Who do you represent? Why did you select them? What enables them to offer me a competitive advantage? Who are some of their key accounts? How long have they been in business? Describe your relationship and the support you get that will benefit my business.

3. If I were to select you as my provider what tools and or assistance would I receive as it relates to; Design, consultation with engineers/architects, meeting with and representing me in front of government boards, sitting with my lawyer and any other member of a team I put together? Is there a cost for this service? If so how much? What success have you had in these areas? Would you demonstrate and validate your statements?

4. How do I do business with you? Terms and conditions of sale? Deposits, refunds, payment, guarantees? Will you provide me financial references, vendor and or primary bank relationship?

5. Who is your customer? How do you serve him? What references can you provide me?

6. What is the normal time line required for equipment manufacturer? Delivery? Installation time?

7. Regarding the equipment and installation what are my responsibilities? Yours? Do you have a list that clearly delineates each of our responsibilities? Will you acknowledge and have this as part of our agreement?

8. Based on my site what will you do as to site review, financial projections and suggestions as to which type of wash and the methodology of wash (friction/touch free)? Do you offer various types of systems? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each system, mechanically or financially?

9. Based on what I have shared with you what do you feel is the best approach to my market? Why do you feel this way? Are there similar locations to mine and if so now that they are up and operating have that meet the stated projections? Does your customer feel they have met their expectations? If they (have or have not) why.

Assuming we have gotten through the "address", and now the "interview" stage, and are comfortable with the answers the next stage is to begin creating our car wash. What type, where located, how big, how costly, what kind of return and timing.

10. How and why would you lay out my property? What would you project the total cost to be?

11. I have been told that "highest and best use" is the mantra for all real estate investments. Based on what we have discussed, does what I am proposing meet that requirement? Will the income projected support the investment?

12. You have suggested a certain approach to my market, although I have done a SWOT analysis, how competitive will I be to other car washes? What threats are there that you know about that could affect my business? What opportunities?

13. What is the life expectancy of the equipment you have proposed? What programs do have that will minimize downtime? Do you provide cost per car programs for maintenance and chemical? What is my commitment? Yours?

14. Car washing is a cash business, what systems are you recommending that will enable me to manage and track the variable expenses of my business? What are the costs? What is the benefit?

15. Although we have spoken about service and maintenance, how far from my operation is your service facility? Will you guarantee a certain response time? Will you consider a program guaranteeing a certain uptime? If so tell me how it works?

16. One of the items needed to assure adequate financing is a good business plan. What assistance will you provide? Is there a cost? Will you meet with my bankers if required?

17. I know you can't legally control competitive locations from being placed in my market however what can I rely on from you to keep me informed and competitive?

18. What assistance will you provide for marketing? Is there a cost? Are there any co-op advertising dollars available? How do they work? What are the various advertising and or public relations mediums I should be using?

19. What assistance will you provide for training? Is there a cost?

20. Do you have complete service manuals and install drawings? When may I receive and review them?

21. Do you have contractors that you recommend? Will you assist me in making that contact?

22. Will you walk through all the mechanical requirements of your system with my team?

23. I understand that some of the equipment you will provide comes from a number of various suppliers will all equipment be guaranteed the same?

24. As you can well imagine this is a very significant investment what ongoing assistance can I rely on.

25. Why should I buy from you?


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