
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Explain me what are the main job duties and responsibilities of laundry and dry cleaning worker employee?

laundry and dry cleaning worker responsibilities are to load articles into washers or dry-cleaning machines, or direct other workers to perform loading; sort and count articles removed from dryers, and fold, wrap, or hang them; remove items from washers or dry-cleaning machines, or direct other workers to do so; examine and sort into lots articles to be cleaned, according to color, fabric, dirt content, and cleaning technique required; start washers, dry cleaners, driers, or extractors, and turn valves or levers to regulate machine processes and the volume of soap, detergent, water, bleach, starch, and other additives;

receive and mark articles for laundry or dry cleaning with identifying code numbers or names, using hand or machine markers; inspect soiled articles to determine sources of stains, to locate color imperfections, and to identify items requiring special treatment; clean machine filters, and lubricate equipment; operate extractors and driers, or direct their operation; determine spotting procedures and proper solvents, based on fabric and stain types; mix and add detergents, dyes, bleaches, starches, and other solutions and chemicals to clean, color, dry, or stiffen articles;

pre-soak, sterilize, scrub, spot-clean, and dry contaminated or stained articles, using neutralizer solutions and portable machines; apply bleaching powders to spots and spray them with steam to remove stains from fabrics that do not respond to other cleaning solvents; apply chemicals to neutralize the effects of solvents; sprinkle chemical solvents over stains, and pat areas with brushes or sponges to remove stains; mix bleaching agents with hot water in vats, and soak material until it is bleached; test fabrics in inconspicuous places to determine whether solvents will damage dyes or fabrics; hang curtains, drapes, blankets, pants, and other garments on stretch frames to dry; iron or press articles, fabrics, and furs, using hand irons or pressing machines; identify articles' fabrics and original dyes by sight and touch, or by testing samples with fire or chemical reagents; operate dry-cleaning machines to clean soiled articles; mend and sew articles, using hand stitching, adhesive patches, or sewing machines; spray steam, water, or air over spots to flush out chemicals, dry material, raise naps, or brighten colors; rinse articles in water and acetic acid solutions to remove excess dye and to fix colors; immerse articles in bleaching baths to strip colors; match sample colors, applying knowledge of bleaching agent and dye properties, and types, construction, conditions, and colors of articles; dye articles to change or restore their colors, using knowledge of textile compositions and the properties and effects of bleaches and dyes; spread soiled articles on work tables, and position stained portions over vacuum heads or on marble slabs; wash, dry-clean, or glaze delicate articles or fur garment linings by hand, using mild detergents or dry cleaning solutions; start pumps to operate distilling systems that drain and reclaim dry cleaning solvents; operate machines that comb, dry and polish furs, clean, sterilize and fluff feathers and blankets, or roll and package towels; clean fabrics, using vacuums or air hoses.


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